The Republican Party has been stuck in the middle of the immigration debate for some time. On one side, there are hardliners who oppose amnesty and on the other are more moderate GOP voters who want a pathway to citizenship for law-abiding undocumented immigrants. Continue »
Mitt Romney faced a trying moment outside a fundraiser on Tuesday when an illegal immigrant demanded to know why he wouldn't support the DREAM Act. Romney has made no secret of his opposition to the legislation, which provides a path to citizenship for children brought into the country illegally. Continue »
Hoping to win the hearts of Southern conservatives, Newt Gingrich leaned into his argument that President Barack Obama is a "food stamp president" and that poor people should want paychecks, not handouts — a pitch that earned him a standing ovation in South Carolina during a presidential debate on... Continue »
One would think that an aspiring presidential candidate would realize that making a campaign appearance on Martin Luther King Day alongside someone said to have ties to a hate group is not a great idea. Continue »
Hispanic evangelicals are taking their politics to the pulpit -- and exposing a new weakness in one of the only Latino strongholds for Republicans. To sway the outcome of the Republican primary in Florida and beyond, pastors at hundreds of churches affiliated with the National Latino Evangelical Coalition are... Continue »
The Republican primary in South Carolina has turned into a race among the presidential hopefuls to show who is tougher on the undocumented, leading them to take positions that could hurt their chances in the general election when they will need a large percent of Latino voters in order... Continue »
The Bible tells us to choose our friends wisely. Last week Governor Mitt Romney chose to make friends with NumbersUSA, a hard line anti-immigrant group, which announced it will spend at least $100,000 to help him win the South Carolina primary. Continue »
Mitt Romney has made immigrant bashing a centerpiece of his presidential campaign. Vetoing the DREAM Act a key element of Romney's strategy. Last night, while fundraising in New York, Mitt Romney was met by a protest from DREAMers. Romney has called the DREAM Act a "handout" and Last... Continue »
Now it's former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney's turn to learn what happens when you don't learn from history. Last week, Romney chose to accept the endorsement of Kris Kobach, a virulently anti-immigrant (and anti-gay, and pro-apartheid) leader who wrote state laws designed to drive immigrants out of Arizona... Continue »
Mitt Romney, the current frontrunner in the GOP presidential race, could become the first Hispanic president of the U.S. Surprised? Don't be. By now most people know it: Romney is the son of a Mexican father who crossed the border to the north when he was five. Continue »