Republican hopeful Newt Gingrich, under pressure from his party's establishment, pulled a Spanish-language ad in which he had accused his rival Gov. Mitt Romney of being "anti-immigrant." But was the ad really unfair? Continue »
Sen. Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican on the vice-presidential short list, will speak Friday morning to the Hispanic Leadership Network, former Gov. Jeb Bush's organization. Some 600 people have RSVP's to Friday's conference, which began Thursday night and featured a debate-watching party that appeared on CNN. Continue »
Newt Gingrich strikes a kinder tone than his rivals when it comes to immigration and the Latino community. Now that the primary has reached Florida, where 11% of Republican voters are Hispanic, Gingrich is slamming Mitt Romney on his far-right stance on immigration. Continue »
The squawking heads were all in such a rush to declare Mitt Romney the winner of the debate on Thursday night that they forgot to listen to what he actually said. Romney, in parrying Newt Gingrich's charge that he is the most anti-immigrant candidate, forcefully declared: "I'm not anti-immigrant." Continue »
On the eve of the Florida GOP primary, Mamiverse released a poll of Latino moms in the state. There's not much good news for Republicans. And, for this group of voters, the DREAM Act is the "game-changer." Continue »
Maybe someone told Mitt Romney he'd have to make a serious effort to attract Latino voters, especially on the eve of the Republican primary in Florida. Whatever the cause, the former Massachusetts governor, who has some of the most extreme positions on immigration of anyone in the field, decided... Continue »
The Tuesday night Florida GOP primary is fast approaching, and the leading Republican contenders keep outdoing each other on who is more anti-immigrant. The funny thing is that they're both fatootsed -- mostly with each other -- when anyone calls them anti-immigrant. It's ridiculous. Continue »
On Wednesday, Mitt Romney told Univision's Jorge Ramos that he wasn't Mexican-American. The next day, Mitt Romney told CNN debate watchers that he was the son of immigrants and "My father was born in Mexico." He's conveniently Mexican-American now. Continue »
There are a few days left until the Florida primary and Senator Marco Rubio –- Florida's anti-immigrant golden boy -- is on it. He's the GOP's choice candidate for Vice President, thinking once again that just because he has a Latino last name, he'll be able to deliver the... Continue »
Given that Latino voters across the country view immigration as a defining, threshold issue and noting how Mitt Romney has embraced a hardline immigration stance, it may surprise some observers that Romney continues to poll ahead of other candidate alternatives among Florida Latinos in the upcoming primary election. Continue »