Since late 2009, the Opportunity Agenda has been focused on integrating arts, culture and new media to "promote the inclusion, integration, and human rights of immigrants in the United States." By hosting events on the issue, they hope to connect the politics and policy of the immigration debate to... Continue »
So Lou Dobbs was paid $8 million to leave CNN after the network came under increasing fire for giving Lou Dobbs a primetime slot to incessantly trash immigrants and Latinos. Kudos for CNN for finally doing the right thing. We've rounded up some of the funniest reactions to a... Continue »
Leo: "He referred to Buchanan, who has been appearing on MSNBC all week claiming Sotomayor has "a lifelong resolve to discriminate against white males," as a reverse civil rights leader, and showed a clip of him saying, "White men were 100% of the people who wrote the Constitution,... Continue »
A newspaper series exposing Sheriff Joe Arpaio's costly abuse of power in Arizona just won the Pulitzer prize: "Sheriff Joe Arapaio is a national disgrace. Among the Pulitzer prizes awarded today was one to Ryan Gabrielson and Paul Giblin of the East Valley Tribune (Mesa, Arizona) for its coverage... Continue »