It's ironic that in a country like Mexico, where it's illegal to buy firearms, that recently a United States ICE agent met his death at the end of a gun barrel that was most probably bought in the United States. Continue »
This past Wednesday, an Arizona state House panel approved legislation that would prevent anyone who is in this country illegally from collecting punitive damages — even after winning a lawsuit. Continue »
If there is one message to take away from CPAC's panel on immigration, it's that White America is in serious jeopardy and may soon succumb to immigration, multiculturalism, and socialism. Continue »
As Rep. Steve King seeks to raise his national profile, the Iowa Republican is looking to Sen. Jim DeMint to help boost his influence in conservative circles. Continue »
We've just learned from Border Action that the author of the infamous (and unconstitutional) SB 1070, Senator Russell Pearce, has introduced a new souped up anti-immigration bill for 2011. The new legislation, SB 1611, which was just introduced, is on a fast track. Continue »
A group whose members include 120 Indiana mayors signed on Monday to a compact urging state legislators to back off an immigration reform bill. Continue »
Chalk up another example of "What's the matter with Kansas?" Continue »
As models were taking their final turns on the runways of New York Fashion Week, Mayor Michael Bloomberg argued that the country's immigration policies jeopardize New York's status as "the fashion capital of the world," saying they limit visas for designers, manufacturers and, yes, models. Continue »
As anti-immigrant attitudes in the US intensify, Geri Mannion & Taryn Higashi, co-founders of the program, felt the need to honor fifteen people who would normally go unrecognized for the courage they've demonstrated in standing up for immigrants or refugees. Continue »
A bill allowing illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at Colorado's public colleges passed its first test Thursday, clearing a Senate committee after a nearly three-hour hearing in which one opponent asked that all non citizens be removed from the room. Continue »