An announcement by immigration officials in Washington on Monday that they were delaying decisions on some immigration cases involving gay couples led to a surge of expectations among gay advocates that the Obama administration had taken a small but significant step toward recognizing same-sex marriage. Continue »
In Texas, the Republican Party is changing its tactics on illegal immigration. The relatively welcoming, tolerant attitude embraced by George W. Bush when he was governor is waning. It has been overtaken by a flood of Arizona-style get-tough measures, with nearly 100 immigration bills written or filed. Continue »
Legislation targeting illegal immigrants in Mississippi died quietly at the Capitol this week along with a slew of related measures that failed to make it out by deadline. The bill that drew the most buzz - modeled after an Arizona law that gives law enforcement the authority to check... Continue »
After much grief and outrage, Emily Ruiz, the four-year-old US citizen who was deported to Guatemala, is on her way back to Long Island to be reunited with her family. Continue »
A 4-year-old U.S. citizen who was unable to enter into the country this month because of a possible communications mix-up will attempt the journey again on Tuesday. "It's a grave injustice that she has been separated from her parents for so long and we're here to rectify that... Continue »
President Obama said Monday that he does not have the power to suspend deportations, putting the nail in a plan some administration officials had explored that could have granted de-facto legal status to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants. Continue »
Jaime Lopez used to earn $14 an hour, plus benefits, as a maintenance man for an office building outside Minneapolis. Then his employer was audited by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Mr. Lopez and 1,200 other illegal immigrants in the Twin Cities lost their jobs in October 2009. Continue »
Foreign nationals who are married to U.S. citizens of the same sex may apply for spousal green cards and other benefits, immigration authorities announced Monday, but it remains to be seen whether the government will issue them. Continue »
A Georgia House committee on Monday took up a Senate bill aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration in the state and substituted the text of a more comprehensive House bill. The House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee was set to consider the Senate bill proposed by state Sen. Jack Murphy,... Continue »