The Alabama chapter of the NAACP hosted a town hall and panel discussion today, giving the immigrant community a chance to ask questions about Alabama's monster immigration law and how it might affect them. Continue »
Department of Justice officials made a surprise appearance at a community forum in Birmingham, Ala. on Thursday evening, encouraging residents to report civil rights violations in the wake of the state's harsh new immigration law. Continue »
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio is raising his national profile through a series of major policy speeches on the economy and America's role in the world. But one issue Florida's freshman Republican doesn't spend much time discussing is immigration. That's despite the fact his parents came from Cuba and he... Continue »
The federal government's top civil rights lawyer is asking Alabama immigrants to report any problems caused by that state's tough new law against illegal Immigration. The assistant U.S. attorney general in charge of civil rights, Thomas Perez, met with scores of Hispanics and others at an elementary school in... Continue »
In GOP primary politics, the U.S.-Mexico border fence is an immigration litmus test, but an apparently unhelpful one. Experts close to the issue agree that the fence may be a nice symbolic sound bite for candidates to show border security bona fides, but it does little to address the... Continue »
Isobel Gomez's apartment on the outskirts of Birmingham, Alabama, has the hunkered-down quality of a wartime bunker. There are boxes of bottled water, rice, beans and tortillas stacked against the living room wall – sufficient to last her family of five several days. The curtains are drawn and the... Continue »
With a single quick-lips shot to his right foot, Rick Perry wounded his presidential ambitions, confounded his conservative base, and – most significantly – unmasked once again the racism of the anti-immigrant, states' rights movement. Continue »
Ronald Reagan once said, "Don't be afraid to see what you see." On the matter of in-state tuition to illegal immigrants, Gov. Rick Perry is not afraid to see what is. And what Perry sees is that it is to our state's economic advantage to educate illegal immigrants. Continue »
In an email so grotesque it almost resembles a parody, former Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) published his full-throated support of the Alabama immigration law this week, defending mass deportation and human suffering before asking his readers to contribute to such efforts. Continue »
Yesterday, five Dream Act eligible leaders -- Nancy, Neidi, Tony, Francisco Javier and Adrian -- staged a sit-in at an ICE office in Los Angeles as immigration supporters were holding a rally outside the Immigration Court Building. Continue »