The following is a statement from America’s Voice Managing Director Pili Tobar, regarding Congressman Curbelo’s discharge petition for Dreamers:
“In the 8 months since President Trump rescinded DACA, House Republican leadership has been unwilling to move legislation to provide overdue relief for Dreamers, and the House Republicans have, until now, failed to successfully pressure their leadership to find a solution. The reality is Trump broke DACA, Republican leadership torpedoed attempts to fix it, and until enough GOP moderates step up and sign the discharge petition launched today, this “queen of the hill” push will end up being nothing more than an election-year PR stunt.
“If Republicans are serious about helping Dreamers, this is their chance to put some real political skin in the game and put Dreamers’ well-being ahead of loyalty to their party’s leadership. Until Republicans help deliver the 218 signatures needed to force House GOP leadership to allow a vote on legislation to protect young Americans, who will face deportation unless Congress passes a bill, this is nothing but another political trick. Filing a discharge petition is a positive step, but only if it gains enough Republican support to compel action on the House floor.”