The following is a statement from Pili Tobar (Twitter: @pilitobar87), Deputy Director of America’s Voice, regarding tonight’s State of the Union address:
So much for supposed calls for bipartisanship and cooperation. Tonight’s address was another Stephen Miller special, heavy on lies and fear-mongering about immigrants. Even though Miller’s anti-immigrant policies have backfired on Republicans time and time again, the GOP doesn’t seem to learn the lesson. From Trump’s anti-immigrant policies, to the midterms, to the shutdown, to this speech, Trump and Miller’s obsessive focus on demonizing immigrants has pushed the country in the opposite direction by almost any measure. Increasingly, support for immigrants, refugees, Dreamers and TPS holders is growing, while support for the wall and this administration’s cruel policies — putting kids in cages, closing our doors to refugees and separating immigrant children from their parents — is decreasing.
The American people have time and time again rejected Trump’s xenophobia. They rejected the stupid border wall, and they will see straight through the phony emergency declaration the President has planned. Tonight, former Trump employees Victorina and Sandra, Dreamers, and refugees attended the State of the Union and were a stark reminder of the President’s hypocrisy and callousness on immigration. Americans see through the President’s lies and gimmicks, they reject his division and fear mongering, and instead embrace the reality of immigrants’ contributions to our country.