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America’s Voice Denounces Supreme Court Decision to Uphold Trump’s Muslim Ban

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The following is a statement by Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund, in response to today’s decision by the Supreme Court to uphold President Trump’s Muslim ban.

We are deeply disappointed with today’s Supreme Court decision. Let’s not kid ourselves. This is a Muslim ban. It is based on religious bigotry. As such, this decision will go down in history as one that disgraces the Court and sullies the American creed.

We are a nation that prizes religious liberty and equal treatment under the law. We are a nation that works to knock down the doors of discrimination and marginalization. We are a nation that aspires to be a more perfect union where people are defined by their contribution and character, not by their creed, race, ethnicity, birthplace, gender or sexual preference.

We look to the Supreme Court to uphold our foundational values, to stand up for the vulnerable, and to stand up to abuses of authority. Today, the Court failed on all counts. Today, the Court failed its mandate, failed its best traditions, and failed us.