Washington, DC – Democrats are pressing forward on plans to get the results the American people demand and undocumented immigrants have earned. The immigration provisions in the Build Back Better legislative package will deliver popular and meaningful relief and security for millions of immigrant families.  As Democrats seek to... Continue »
Washington, DC – Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), one of the nation’s foremost champions for immigrants, appeared on NPR this weekend to assess the way forward for the Build Back Better legislative package, including its immigration provisions. He noted:  Delivering relief and reform for undocumented immigrants is popular:  “As long... Continue »
No cabe duda de que el debate migratorio y, por supuesto, el tema económico y su estire y afloje por el paquete de infraestructura han arrebatado la atención de todos en estas últimas semanas, tanto como la pandemia de COVID-19. Pero hay un tema que nos pica los ojos... Continue »
America’s Voice Responds to the Initial Senate Parliamentarian Ruling   The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice reacting to the Senate parliamentarian’s ruling on immigration: This isn’t the beginning of the end, this is the end of the beginning. The Parliamentarian ruled on... Continue »
On September 15, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), ran Facebook ads that warned of an alleged Biden effort set on “housing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS in your neighborhood!” The fear the NRSC was looking to generate with this racist fiction harkens back to the blockbusting and neighborhood racial covenants of... Continue »
A juzgar por los recientes acontecimientos en diversos frentes, desde inmigración hasta el derecho al aborto y al voto, pareciera que la mano de Donald Trump y de sus cómplices republicanos se apuntan victorias, aunque no controlen ni la Casa Blanca ni el Congreso. Del mismo modo que el... Continue »
La inclusión del lenguaje que proveería una ruta a la legalización en el plan presupuestario del Senado abre otro capítulo, esta vez durante la presidencia del demócrata Joe Biden, de la carrera maratónica con obstáculos que ha sido y es la búsqueda de una reforma migratoria que regularice a... Continue »
Vote recommendations From America’s Voice    Today, the Senate considers amendments to the bipartisan infrastructure package. Reportedly, at least two Republican amendments will attempt to add additional immigration-related measures to the legislation. One, offered by Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), would require contractors to use the flawed E-Verify employment verification... Continue »
Upon observing the second anniversary of the massacre in El Paso, Texas, a hate crime considered the worst attack on the Latino community in modern history, anti-immigrant rhetoric from Republican Party officials continues unabashedly. The most recent example is the attack perpetrated by the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott,... Continue »
President, Democratic leaders come together to fight for citizenship legislation this year on a Democrats-only 51-vote vehicle   Momentum keeps building for pathways to citizenship to be enacted in Congress this year through a Democrats-only 51-vote vehicle. Yesterday, the President and the Vice-President reiterated their commitment to delivering citizenship... Continue »