Last night, DREAM Act eligible undocumented youth and allies – including civil rights icon and co-founder of United Farm Workers, Dolores Huerta – made their presence known outside of the GOP presidential candidate's debate in Phoenix. Standing in front of a massive banner which read: "DREAM Act Now"... Continue »
As predicted, last night's debate featured yet another feast of anti-immigrant rhetoric and no real solutions. Most notably, Mitt Romney took his pandering to new heights and praised Arizona's "papers, please" law, SB 1070, as "a model" for the nation. We beg to differ. Arizona is... Continue »
Immigration has been a hot topic in the GOP presidential primary, despite the fact that most Republican voters are focused on other issues. But Latino Voters – a key segment of the electorate that Republicans will need in order to win the general election—have been watching the Republican... Continue »
In advance of tomorrow's GOP debate in Mesa, Arizona, an editorial in the New York Times today captures how the Republican candidates for President have lurched far to the right on immigration. Continue »
In a hollow effort to distract Latino voters from their Party's poor record on immigration reform in recent years, the Republican National Committee picked fights with Democrats this week over "chimichangas" and perceived insults. First targeting Jim Messina and now going after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the... Continue »
As costs mount, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is asking a federal judge to consolidate legal challenges to the state's "papers, please" immigration law, SB 1070. Brewer's learning the hard way that when you attack the Constitution, civil society stands up to protect it. Continue »
Dana Milbank's Washington Post column caused quite a stir on Twitter yesterday. Milbank called the GOP's approach to Latinos a "death wish," because the Party is alienating the fastest-growing group of voters with its anti-immigrant positioning. Jim Messina tweeted that the "line of the day" was Milbank's... Continue »
In a Washington Post column today, Dana Millbank wonders aloud about the GOP's anti-Latino strategy. Millbank writes, "What else but a death wish could explain the party's treatment of the fastest-growing voting bloc in the nation? First was the wave of Arizona-style immigration laws. Then came the anti-immigrant... Continue »
The Republican Party's embrace of anti-immigrant extremism was on full display this past weekend in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Among the loudest voices was none other than that of Kris Kobach, who is an endorser and advisor to Romney on immigration issues. Kobach is also the... Continue »
Earlier this week, Mitt Romney's campaign unveiled the endorsement of former California Governor Pete Wilson (R), champion of California's Proposition 187 in 1994. Proposition 187 was the precursor to the anti-immigration laws passed this decade in Arizona, Alabama, and other states that have inspired nationwide outrage from the... Continue »