Jan 31, 2012
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and others like to pontificate about the evils of illegal immigration. But it turns out these politicians are missing a key point: Kansas needs illegal immigrants.
Immigrants have been central to building America. Opportunity-seeking, energetic, entrepreneurial and freedom-loving, these new "transplants" drawn by the magnet of American opportunity have helped make the United States the most prosperous country in the world.
Jan 30, 2012
Republican hopeful Newt Gingrich, under pressure from his party's establishment, pulled a Spanish-language ad in which he had accused his rival Gov. Mitt Romney of being "anti-immigrant." But was the ad really unfair?
Sen. Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican on the vice-presidential short list, will speak Friday morning to the Hispanic Leadership Network, former Gov. Jeb Bush's organization. Some 600 people have RSVP's to Friday's conference, which began Thursday night and featured a debate-watching party that appeared on CNN.
Newt Gingrich strikes a kinder tone than his rivals when it comes to immigration and the Latino community. Now that the primary has reached Florida, where 11% of Republican voters are Hispanic, Gingrich is slamming Mitt Romney on his far-right stance on immigration.
The squawking heads were all in such a rush to declare Mitt Romney the winner of the debate on Thursday night that they forgot to listen to what he actually said. Romney, in parrying Newt Gingrich's charge that he is the most anti-immigrant candidate, forcefully declared: "I'm not anti-immigrant."
While President Obama's State of the Union address did not focus on immigration, his few statements on that issue sent out conflicting signals. The president pushed for a comprehensive immigration reform plan that includes letting foreign businessmen and entrepreneurs immigrate to the U.S.
State Sen. Scott Beason lives in a strange world. I'm not talking about Gardendale, where the Republican lives. I mean the world of Beason's mind. In Beason's world, a part-time lawmaker with few marketable skills deserves a $53,000-per-year salary, far more than the average Alabama citizen makes.
More than a million Hispanic voters are the prize as Republican presidential rivals Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich resume campaigning after a feisty, final debate before Florida's GOP primary. Romney was the aggressor in the second debate in four days Thursday night, pressing Gingrich to apologize for an ad...
Newt Gingrich pulled a Spanish-language radio ad that called Mitt Romney "anti-immigrant" on Wednesday, but what's surprising is not that the ad aired, but that he gave Gingrich so much material to work with.