Opponents of Alabama's contested immigration law are asking local manufacturers of Mercedes-Benz, Honda and Hyundai cars to help them push for a total repeal of the law in the state's Republican-controlled legislature. Continue »
Civil rights, labor and immigration activists say they are returning to Selma, Ala. next month to protest state laws they say will largely prevent black and Latino voters, the poor, students and the elderly from voting. Continue »
Opponents of Alabama's law on illegal immigration are planning a Valentine's Day demonstration at the Statehouse in Montgomery. The Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice is organizing a day of rallying and lobbying at the Legislature next Tuesday. Continue »
The Justice Department is reviewing Georgia's tough new immigration law and is discussing it with businessmen and law enforcement officials here, but it has not decided to sue to block the statute like it has in four other states, U.S. Assistant Attorney General Tony West said Tuesday. Continue »
As he pushed further and further to the right in his effort to fend off the corps of arch-conservative rivals for his party's presidential nomination, Republican front-runner Mitt Romney probably didn't think some of what he was doing would have much effect in the larger states that will provide... Continue »
Like the ad says, "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." Simply, what happens in February won't matter much in November. That's when the state will turn into a battleground. And if the past two election cycles -- and results of the 2010 Census -- are... Continue »
Weeks after GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney touted the controversial endorsement of the architect of some of the strictest state immigration laws in the country, the presidential candidate has named a well-known immigration hard-liner as honorary chairman of his California campaign. Continue »
Whoever said "all P.R. is good P.R." probably never had dozens of protesters gathered in front of the office calling them "Hitler." That's what happened during a recent lunchtime in the Birmingham, Ala., business district, as students from several local colleges held a mock funeral in front of a... Continue »
In an interview on Sunday with Univision, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) criticized Mitt Romney's "self-deportation" immigration policy, stating that Republicans should adopt a "very humane approach" to immigration in order to secure Latino voters. Continue »
A coalition of unions and civil rights groups have sent letters to Alabama's automobile manufacturers, asking them to work toward repealing the state's immigration law. "We're asking them to use their influence, we're asking them to use their persuasive voice to encourage legislators to do the right thing." Continue »