Yesterday, America’s Voice with Latino Decisions released a brand-new poll on the Latino vote in Arizona, finding—among other things—that Obama leads Romney 80% to 14% there among Latino voters, and that Democratic senatorial candidate Richard Carmona leads incumbent Jeff Flake 75% to 12%.
Today, we are releasing a new poll on the Latino vote in Colorado. The poll will answer questions about which candidate these segments of the electorate are supporting, what their policy priorities are, how enthusiastic they are about voting, what they do and don’t like about each candidate, and much more.
Check out the brand-new Colorado Latino vote polling here. Check out our summary of the data below:
44% | The percentage of Colorado Latino voters who rank immigration as a top issue that Congress and the President should address (just below those who rank jobs/economy, at 45%) |
86% | Percentage of Colorado Latino voters who say that immigration as a topic is important to their voting decision |
76% | Obama approval rating among Colorado Latino voters |
74% | Percentage of Colorado Latino voters who support Obama’s reelection, compared to 20% supporting Romney |
54% | Percentage of Colorado Latino voters who say that President Obama’s deferred action policy makes them more enthusiastic about Obama |
64% | Percentage of Colorado Latino voters who say that Mitt Romney’s support of self-deportation and harsh anti-immigrant laws makes them less enthusiastic about Romney |
69% | Percentage of Colorado Latino voters who say they know someone who is an undocumented immigrant |
55% | Percentage of Colorado Latino voters who say they know a DREAMer |
93% | Percentage of Colorado Latino voters who say they are enthusiastic about voting in November |
76% | Percentage of Colorado Latino voters who support the state’s ASSET bill, which would have allowed immigrant youth in the state to pay a special tuition rate higher than in-state tuition but lower than out-of-state tuition |
Follow along with the PowerPoint presentation here.
When: Wednesday, October 10, from 1 – 2:30 PM ET
What: Latino Voters and the Politics of Immigration in Arizona
Where: Tivoli Student Union, Room 320 / Metropolitan State University of Denver
OR via livestream
- James Mejia, President & CEO, Mejia and Associates; former President, Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (Moderator)
- Robert Preuhs, Assistant Professor of Political Science, MSU-Denver
- Gabriel Sanchez, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of New Mexico, Director of Research, Latino Decisions
- Olivia Mendoza, Executive Director, Colorado Latino Forum
- Grace Lopez Ramirez, Colorado State Director, Mi Familia Vota
- Sergio De La Rosa, DREAMer and leader with Together Colorado Action Fund