By Yoli Navas:
This week, Spanish language media has been following the movement of the Senate debate on a bipartisan immigration reform bill as well as the SAFE Act, which was approved the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives. Below are a few highlights:
Noticiero Univision: La Reforma Migratoria Ayudará el Crecimiento Económico de EEUU
The CBO has released a report showing the amount of economic growth that would result from passing S. 744 with a path to citizenship. According to the report, immigration reform could reduce the deficit $197 billion in the first 10 years. Bob Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) said the tool would be instrumental in gaining support for immigration reform on the Senate floor.
La Opinión: Pólemica Propuesta Migratoria Avanza en la Cámara Baja
The House Judiciary Committee has approved the SAFE Act. This controversial act would criminalize all undocumented immigrants. Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) says that the bill’s goal is national security, but the SAFE Act is similar to the 2005 Sensenbrenner bill which caused massive protests.
Noticiero Univision: El Senado de EEUU Aceptó un Plan Para Militarizar la Frontera con México
An amendment to expand border security might be the final compromise to pass the Gang of 8 immigration bill in the Senate. The plan will double the number of Border Patrol agents and build 700 miles of border fence.
The following outlets also reported on this subject: Telemundo, EFE