America’s Voice
ICYMI: “Without TPS, Bahamians in the U.S. wonder what’s next after Dorian”
Public Outrage Rescues Life-Saving Medical Program For Immigrants
Trump Administration Planning to Strip Billions More in Military Funding For Trump’s 2020 Wall
DHS reinstates medical deferred action, protecting sick immigrants from deportation
The Wall Street Journal Trump Administration Resumes Deportation Relief for Immigrants With Serious Illnesses
By Michelle Hackman
September 19, 2019
The Wall Street Journal Trump Administration Resumes Deportation Relief for Immigrants With Serious Illnesses
September 19, 2019
The American Prospect How Mexico Is Doing America’s Deportation Work for Us
By Marcia Brown
September 20, 2019
NBC Trump admin ignored its own evidence of climate change’s impact on migration from Central America
By Jacob Soboroff and Julia Ainsley
September 20, 2019
Teen Vogue (Op-ed) Detained Immigrant Women Need Better Abortion Access
By Isabella Morales Oliva
September 20, 2019
El Semanario Before The Invisible Wall Of Racism
By David Torress
September 18, 2019
Associated Press Feds reverse decision ending immigrant medical relief
By Philip Marcelo
September 19, 2019
The New York Times Deportation Exemptions to Resume for Immigrants Needing Medical Treatment
By Miriam Jordan
September 19, 2019
Politico DHS walks back decision to halt medical deportation relief
By Ted Hesson
September 19, 2019
Associated Press Trump calls new border wall a ‘world-class security system’
By Kevin Freking and Elliot Spagat
September 19, 2019
The Washington Post Trump officials considering plan to divert billions of dollars in additional funds for border barrier
By Nick Miroff and Josh Dawsey
September 19, 2019
Politico Commerce, Mexican growers sign tomato deal
By Doug Palmer
September 19, 2019
The Hill Majority of voters disapprove of Trump’s reallocation of money for border wall
By Tess Bonn
September 19, 2019
The Hill Pentagon: Nearly $2.5B in border wall contracts finalized
By Ellen Mitchell
September 19, 2019
ABC Sheriff reveals deadly realities of illegal immigration across US southern border
By Jake Lefferman, Emily Taguchi and Allie Yang
September 19, 2019
The Hill Interior transfers parts of public lands to Army for border wall construction
By Rebecca Klar
September 19, 2019
Associated Press Trump closes doors to immigrants, some US citizens open them
By Claudia Torrens and Gisela Salomon
September 19, 2019
The Washington Post It’s tall, it’s tough, it’s too hot to touch: President Trump has just the wall for you
By Philip Rucker
September 19, 2019
The Hill Federal agency to resume processing some deferred-action requests for migrants
By Rachel Frazin
September 19, 2019
Bloomberg Trump says ‘catch and release’ border policy to end in two weeks
By Jordan Fabian
September 20, 2019
BuzzFeed More Immigrant Children Are Dying At The Border As The Trump Administration Sends People Back To Mexico
By Adolfo Flores
September 19, 2019
ABC Acting ICE chief defends agents, scolds lawmakers for political rhetoric
By Aaron Katersky and Quinn Owen
September 19, 2019
Insider A family fleeing violence in El Salvador has been stuck at the US-Mexico border for 2 months — and Trump’s new asylum rules may make it impossible for them to cross
By Madeleine Wattenbarger
September 19, 2019
Independent Trump White House spending $33 million to house ‘imaginary’ migrants at empty detention camp
By Chris Riotta
September 19, 2019
Los Angeles Times Border Patrol agents, rather than asylum officers, interviewing families for ‘credible fear’
By Molly O’Toole
September 19, 2019
The Washington Post ‘We love our Hispanics!’ Will Latino Republicans stick with Trump?
By Vanessa Williams
September 20, 2019
The Wall Street Journal Senate Push to Speed Up Green Card Backlog Stalls
By Michelle Hackman and Lindsay Wise
September 19, 2019
Vox A rare bipartisan agreement on immigration reform has tanked in the Senate
By Nicole Narea
September 19, 2019
The Wall Street Journal New York Judge Fines Landlord $17,000 for Threatening to Call ICE on Tenant
By Tyler Blint-Welsh
September 19, 2019
Reuters Peru deports 150 Venezuelans in crackdown on illegal crossings
By Mitra Taj and Marco Aquino
September 19, 2019
The Wall Street Journal Pirates Pitcher Faces Deportation If Convicted of Sex Crimes
By Louise Radnofsky and Jared Diamond
September 19, 2019
Politico House approves bill to avoid shutdown — but wall fight looms
By Sarah Ferris and Caitlin Emma
September 19, 2019
CNN Resettlement offices close as fewer refugees are allowed into the US
By Priscilla Alvarez
September 20, 2019
The Hill Pence taps former DHS spokeswoman as his new press secretary
By Morgan Chalfant and Brett Samuels
September 19, 2019
NBC Amid immigration fight, making sure ‘new American children’ get an education
By Laura Picardo
September 19, 2019
BuzzFeed A Lot Of Employees Are Fine With Their Company Working With ICE And Border Protection, This Survey Suggests
By Lam Thuy Vo
September 19, 2019
Los Angeles Times What sweeter place to welcome new citizens than Yosemite’s Half Dome?
By Mary Forgione
September 19, 2019
Dallas Morning News Ahead of DACA’s date with Supreme Court, beneficiaries of the Obama-era program are on edge
By Obed Manuel
September 19, 2019
Associated Press (Mississippi) Mississippi sheriff sets policies amid racial profiling suit
By Emily Wagster Pettus
September 19, 2019
The Virginian-Pilot (Virginia) Norfolk sheriff ends controversial immigration detention program
By Jonathan Edwards
September 19, 2019
The Baltimore Sun (Maryland) Johns Hopkins not renewing contract under which medical school has trained ICE agents for emergencies
By Talia Richman and Phil Davis
September 19, 2019
The Washington Post (Editorial) Trump’s outsourcing of the asylum process sets an un-American example to the world
September 19, 2019
Politico (Op-ed) ‘What’s the rationale for continued high immigration right now for the American people?’
By Michael Anton
September 20, 2019
Elle (Op-ed) Inside Guatemalan Immigrant Isabel Bueso’s Fight to Stay in America
By Rose Minutaglio
September 19, 2019
CNN en Español Inmigración volverá a permitir solicitudes de aplazamientos médicos para evitar la deportación
By Priscilla Alvarez
September 20, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Miles de personas emigran por la emergencia climática | Planeta Tierra (Video)
September 19, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Activistas realizan dramática protesta contra prisiones privadas de migrantes (Video)
September 19, 2019
Noticiero Univision Preocupación en Arizona por los daños que puede causar la construcción del muro a la flora, fauna y arqueología (Video)
September 19, 2019
La Opinión (CA) ‘La Migra’ pide a California que retenga a más de 3,000 inmigrantes cada mes
September 19, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Trump retrocede: Los niños inmigrantes se quedan. Pero no todos
September 19, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Cientos de niños inmigrantes recibieron psicotrópicos en centros de detención
By Telemundo
September 19, 2019
Hoy Dallas ¿Sabrán los demócratas lo que está en juego en 2020?
By Maribel Hastings
September 19, 2019
Univision El mes de la herencia hispana es más importante que nunca
By Charles E. Schumer
September 19, 2019
Noticiero Univision “Ella tenía miedo de ahogarse”: esposo de la migrante que murió con su hijo al intentar cruzar el río Bravo (Video)
By Vilma Tarazona
September 19, 2019
La Opinión (CA) Trump ha sembrado el miedo entre los ‘soñadores’. La deportación haría “peligrar sus vidas”
By Agencia EFE
September 19, 2019
Hoy Dallas Fue despedida maestra de Fort Worth que publicó mensajes anti-inmigrantes en Twitter
September 18, 2019
El Semanario Ante la muralla invisible del racismo
By David Torres
September 19, 2019
El Nuevo Herald Si quieres una green card, este 2 de octubre es tu día: Abre la Lotería de Visas 2021
By Daniel Shoer Roth
September 19, 2019
Univision 34- Atlanta Republicano de Georgia bloquea proyecto de ley que dejaría en desventaja a hispanos que esperan visas de trabajo
September 19, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Trump pone su firma encima de un barrote del muro y dice orgulloso: “¡No se puede saltar!”
By Ivette Leyva
September 19, 2019
La Opinión ICE se defiende de informe sobre muertes y “crueldad” en centros de detención de inmigrantes
By Telemundo/Maria Peña
September 19, 2019
La Opinión Retrasos en solicitudes de ciudadanía alarman a la Comisión de Derechos Civiles
September 19, 2019
La Opinión Fue rescatado por EEUU de una prisión en Cuba, ahora le niegan la ciudadanía
September 19, 2019
La Z Charlotte Gobierno comienza a aplicar norma para denegar asilo a migrantes en frontera
September 19, 2019
El Diario-NY Revelan casos de abusos y muertes en cárcel para inmigrantes en Colorado
By Agencia EFE
September 19, 2019
Chicago Tribune Trump visita muro y tuitea en español
By Associated Press
September 19, 2019
La Opinión Demócratas piden a USCIS no separar a veteranos de sus familias
September 19, 2019
La Opinión Muro fronterizo afectaría a manantial vital para personas y animales que cruzan el desierto
By Agencia EFE
September 19, 2019
Univision 23- Miami Lo golpearon al llegar a Cuba y después lo devolvieron a Miami: denuncia un exiliado
September 19, 2019
Univision 34- Atlanta Los casos pendientes en las cortes de inmigración de EEUU sobrepasaron el millón, señala un informe (Video)
September 19, 2019
Univision- Despierta América Trump visita sección del muro fronterizo en San Diego y tuitea en español contra la inmigración (Video)
September 19, 2019
Orlando Sentinel Donald Trump tuiteó en español sobre el muro fronterizo: “No más”
By Jennifer A. Marcial Ocasio
September 19, 2019
September 19, 2019
La Z Charlotte Trump insiste en necesidad de nuevo tramo de muro por “emergencia nacional”
September 19, 2019
CNN en Español California batalla contra abogados falsos que prometen residencia legal en EE.UU. (Video)
By Liliana Escalante
September 19, 2019
La Opinión Revelan casos de abusos y muertes en cárcel para inmigrantes en Colorado
By Agencia EFE
September 19, 2019
La Opinión Esperaba en la frontera, hoy hondureño logra el asilo deseado
By Manuel Ocaño / Especial para La Opinión
September 19, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Lanzan serie sobre la vida de familias con inmigrantes indocumentados (Video)
September 19, 2019
Noticias Telemundo Interceptado en el este de México un grupo de 195 migrantes. Autoridades detienen a 10 sospechosos de tráfico de personas
By Francesco Rodella con información de EFE
September 19, 2019
Noticias Telemundo ICE sigue dando millones de dólares a centros privados donde ha habido abusos y muertes
By María Peña/ Noticias Telemundo
September 18, 2019
Univision Arizona Agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza en Tucson reportan un aumento en los cruces fronterizos (Video)
September 18, 2019
Univision 23- Miami Vino a visitar a su familia en EEUU, pero terminó detenido y deportado a Venezuela (Video)
September 18, 2019
Univision 34-Los Angeles De la tierra prometida a una verdadera pesadilla: radiografía a la industria de la detención en EEUU (Video)
September 19, 2019
Univision Noticias Trump estampa su firma en lo que llamó la “versión Rolls Royce” del muro fronterizo en California (fotos)
September 19, 2019