Something ugly happened yesterday in Corpus Christi, Texas when almost 50 immigration reform activists from TexasRITA and other groups gathered at Rep. Blake Farenthold’s (R-TX) district office to deliver 10,000 petitions asking the Congressman to support immigration reform and a path to citizenship. Ten thousand petitions in a single district, by the way, is far from something you see every day.
Farenthold, in response, went on the offensive, tweeting at and asking his own followers to show up at his office to stand with him against immigration reform and against families. The event quickly became chaotic as Farenthold’s supporters began shouting down the folks on our side and asking them if they were illegal. One activist, who has participated in rallies in anti-immigrant places like SB-1070 Arizona, told us that Farenthold’s supporters in Texas were some of the “meanest” immigration opponents he’d ever seen. Another, who had been planning to live-stream the event, was unable to because he became fearful for his young children and dropped back to be with them.
In the end, the immigration reform advocates were left shaken, while Farenthold’s supporters (according to a tweet, below) enjoyed a free lunch.
Which leaves the question: Rep. Farenthold, why are so you afraid to talk to immigrants and their families? Why did Farenthold feel the need to call in a cavalry yesterday, which only bullied, harassed, and shouted down immigrants?
Here’s the story of yesterday via Twitter:
Below are photos of the activists delivering the 10,000 petitions yesterday. The petitions said:
Americans deserve a vote on immigration reform with a path to citizenship. Steve King got his vote against DREAMers and you gave him your vote on the deportation of DREAMers earlier this summer. When do we get our vote on a path to citizenship? We’re counting on you to do the right thing for Texas and to keep families together. Demand that House leaders schedule a vote on reform with a roadmap to citizenship.
Delivering your signatures to @farenthold! RT @joaquinhguerra: #timeisnow for a vote on #citizenship blake farenthold
— RI4A (@RI4A) August 7, 2013
Corpus DREAMer Miguel asks Cong. Farenthold to not separate families, support citizenship.
— Shannon Perez (@justusmadre) August 7, 2013
Lively day at Congressman @farenthold‘s office! Democracy at its finest.
— Rey Rodriguez (@TheReyRodriguez) August 7, 2013
@ Corpus Rally – #SEIUTX member David de los Santos said, “We are holding Rep. Farenthold accountable… I hope he listens.” #timeisnow
— SEIU Texas (@SEIUTX) August 7, 2013
Advocates delivered 10,000 signatures supporting at pathway to citizenship from @farenthold district. That must be a record #timeisnow
— Matt Hildreth (@mhildreth) August 7, 2013
MT @joaquinhguerra: Over 45 supporters gathered in @Farenthold office 2 to deliver 10k petitions on immigration!
— americasvoice (@americasvoice) August 7, 2013
#timeisnow 4 #citizenship petition delivery to @Farenthold was a success. Check out #corpuschristi #dreamer Miguel
— Joaquin (@joaquinhguerra) August 7, 2013
Rep. Farenthold actively campaigned and organized his supporters to turn them out against the immigration reform activists–who were only planning to come talk to him and deliver their petitions:
Dems are planning an immigration protest at Congressman Farenthold’s office this Wed, August 7 at noon. Join us! Call 361-882-5253 for info.
— Farenthold Campaign (@Elect_Blake) August 6, 2013
Today’s the Day! Rally at 11:30 a.m. this morning at 101 N. Shoreline Dr. to support Congressman Farenthold’s stance on immigration reform. — Farenthold Campaign (@Elect_Blake) August 7, 2013
Many of Farenthold’s supporters got angry, shouting down DREAMers and slurring the immigrant activists:
@farenthold why did you call out those people to yell at me? I was just trying to deliver a petition I”m not welcome? #TimeIsNow
— Mrs Carolyn Moon (@Seamoon361) August 7, 2013
Corpus DREAMer speaks despite attempts to shout him down. #timeisnow
— Shannon Perez (@justusmadre) August 7, 2013
Very sad many Rep. @farenthold supporters in #TX27 hurled racist epithets at #ImmigrationReform activists while dropping off 10k petitions
— Christian Ucles (@daakardior) August 7, 2013
@americasvoice One #Tcot person said she was against Immigration reform because “Mexicans bring diseases with them.”
— Christian Ucles (@daakardior) August 7, 2013
@americasvoice another person would ask Immigration reform activist as they passed by (that were brown-skinned) if they were illegal.
— Christian Ucles (@daakardior) August 7, 2013
@americasvoice Yet never bothered to ask me (I’m white skinned) & I’m the one that actually was undocumented for 8 years! #SkinColor #TX27
— Christian Ucles (@daakardior) August 7, 2013
NPR interview. This woman loves Hispanics. She just wants us to go home on wknds–Mexico. #timeisnow
— Shannon Perez (@justusmadre) August 7, 2013
I now understand how totally brave #DREAMERs are
— Mrs Carolyn Moon (@Seamoon361) August 7, 2013
In the end, Farenthold’s supporters enjoyed a free lunch–for turning out and shouting down families:
#timeisnow our Blake’s office meet was good with staff. The bad crowd got free lunch
— Mrs Carolyn Moon (@Seamoon361) August 7, 2013
Related content:
- Press release: DREAMers and Immigration Advocates React to Extremist Response to Petition Delivery at Congressman Farenthold’s Corpus Christi Office
- Video: Petition Delivery to Rep. Blake Farenthold’s Office Draws Slurs