At tonight’s second presidential debate, the topic of immigration was finally addressed. The substantial back and forth was originally raised by Obama, with a follow-up question from the audience.
Today, America’s Voice released short immigration backgrounders on both candidates that put tonight’s immigration discussion into context. Here are links to President Obama’s and Mitt Romney’s backgrounders.
Additionally, below is a reaction to the discussion of immigration in tonight’s debate from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice:
“President Obama nailed it tonight. Mitt Romney’s immigration strategy is driven by Kris Kobach, the author of Arizona’s anti-immigrant law. Romney supports ‘self-deportation’ which amounts to a purge of millions of hard-working immigrants who contribute to America’s economy. He has promised to veto the DREAM Act. No wonder Latino voters overwhelmingly support the President – who has protected 1.4 million DREAMers – over the candidate who promised to end the program for the vast majority who would qualify. As the President said, these are young people who are American in every way but their paperwork. Mitt Romney demonstrated again tonight that he just doesn’t get it.”
America’s Voice Backgrounder on President Obama & Immigration
America’s Voice Backgrounder on Mitt Romney & Immigration