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Listen to the “A is for America” Podcast with Matt Barreto of Latino Decisions

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On this week’s episode of our podcast, we spoke with UCLA professor and Latino Decisions principal Matt Barreto about this year’s midterm elections, the importance of the Latino vote, current polls, campaign investment into new American communities, and more. (Interview begins at 9:15.)

This week, a federal judge handed down a major decision on temporary protected status (TPS), for now blocking the Trump Administration from ending TPS for Sudan, Haiti, El Salvador, and Nicaragua and protecting families from potential deportation. The judge found evidence of “racial animus” and indications that the Administration was making TPS decisions without respect for the law.

Meanwhile, the New York Times broke the news that the Trump Administration has secretly moved hundreds of children into immigration detention in Tornillo, Texas. They were moved in the middle of the night and taken from circumstances where they lived in homes, went to school, and had access to legal representation — into a tent city where they sleep twenty bunks to a tent and may be detained indefinitely. Also, a shocking Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General report has found shocking detention conditions for both children and adults. In one inspected detention facility, 15 out of 20 cells inspected were found to have nooses — braided coils of bedding that despairing detainees had hung up, which officials had not bothered to cut down.

“A is for America” is a podcast which tells the stories from the front lines of a changing America. Each week, we’ll be talking to advocates and experts working in immigration reform, immigrants’ rights, immigration politics, and the forefront of what it means to be a new American. Tune in next week for more.
