Mitt Romney had quite a time chasing the Hispanic vote last week, speaking to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, going on Univision only to call DREAM Act youth “illegal aliens,” and suffering the release of a tape that–among other things–caught him speaking about how Hispanics voting Democrat would mean “we’re in trouble…as a nation.”
Stephen Colbert put together a “Colbert Report” segment to mock him for all of it.
Referring to the GOP’s efforts to win the Latino vote, Colbert said, “on the demographics race, we’re losing badly. We’re not producing enough angry white guys for the long term. If [Republicans] are going to stay in power, they need to make more angry white guys.”
Election 2012 might come down to the Latino vote, Colbert continued, which means that, “Latinos, once again, are doing a jobs Americans aren’t willing to do–voting.”
Watch the full segment here, including Part 2: “Esteban Colberto Gigante!”:
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