It’s the one-year anniversary of the announcement of the deferred action for DREAMers (DACA) program this weekend—and it’s also Father’s Day. But with hundreds of thousands of immigrants being deported every year and more than 5,000 children living in foster care due to the deportation of their parents, too many families will be living in forced separation this weekend thanks to the broken immigration system. That’s why Church World Services and other groups are asking for help telling Congress to pass immigration reform, through their new campaign #DontDeportMyDad.
Vigils and actions will be held across the country this Father’s Day weekend, while the online campaign will tell stories about daughters and sons forced to grow up without their father.
As Erol Kekic, Director of CWS’s Immigration and Refugee Program, said:
Through #DontDeportMyDad, we want to convey the urgency for immigration reform by telling the stories of families separated by our broken immigration system. The time is now for Congress to fix our broken immigration system that is deporting fathers – men who have committed no crime but do not have the right immigration paperwork – from their families.
CWS is working on the campaign with the Fair Immigration Reform Movement, the Campaign for Community Change, Keeping Families Together, and the American Baptist Home Mission Society.
What To Do: Share the message of Don’t Deport My Dad with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. Link to the site and use the hash tag #DontDeportMyDad.
Tweet the Don’t Deport My Dad site and message @ your Senators as we call for compassionate immigration reform.
Sample tweets:
@SenatorName Too many families are split apart. This Fathers Day support #ImmigrationReform #DontDeportMyDad