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TWEETS: House Democrats Introduce the Dream and Promise Act!

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Today, House Democrats introduced HR 6, the Dream and Promise Act, which would provide a permanent solution for immigrants who currently have DACA or TPS. It’s the latest effort to pass protections for at least some of the immigrant communities that the Trump Administration has targeted, and currently has over 190 cosponsors.

Both components of the bill are popular. According to Latino Decisions’ election eve polling on the Dream Act, released last fall, 68% of all Americans living in key battleground districts support legalization and a path to citizenship for Dreamers. Meanwhile, a supermajority of Americans said they oppose efforts to end TPS protections for immigrants whose home countries have been made unsafe by natural disaster or war.

As our Executive Director, Frank Sharry, said in a press statement yesterday:

It’s time for our immigration laws to catch up with reality. This proposal, the Dream & Promise Act, is an affirmative step towards formally recognizing immigrants as the Americans they already are. This s a major shift in the debate. We are going on offense.

The bill rollout this morning featured a press event with dozens of Congressmembers, followed by another event with members of key caucuses and advocates. Check out some of our favorite tweets and pictures from today:


