President Obama blames Republicans for his inability to pass an immigration makeover bill -- as I mentioned in today's column. Of course, he wants Latino voters to forget that he did not try to fulfill his pledge to push through "comprehensive immigration reform" in his first year in office.... Continue »
The Obama Administration's announcement that it will bring its deportation practices in line with common sense law enforcement priorities has generated overwhelmingly positive reactions from editorial boards across the nation. They are lauding this step as sensible, humane, and smart law enforcement policy—and reminding Congress that it needs... Continue »
In advance of the final DHS Secure Communities Task Force hearing in Arlington Virginia, America's Voice Education Fund (AVEF) will release a new report, "Public Safety on ICE: How Do You Police a Community That Won't Talk to You?" which documents the "chilling effect" that police-DHS collaboration has on... Continue »
Last week, the Obama administration released new guidelines for deportations, and we've spent the days since compiling press releases, editorials, and other statements responding to the announcement. Some have lauded the development, some have criticized it, some have adopted a wait-and-see approach, and some have, well, expressed their... Continue »
According to Senator Rubio, President Reagan "basically defined the era in which I grew up in, in every way possible. And to this day, so much of what Reagan stood for is still what we're still debating about." Unfortunately, it seems Senator Rubio hasn't read the chapter on... Continue »
Florida's freshman Senator Marco Rubio (R) is scheduled to give a speech at the Ronald Reagan Library tonight. As the Miami Herald notes, "two weeks after Rubio speaks at the Reagan library, it will play host to a Republican presidential debate. It begs the question of whether... Continue »
The call came in the morning to the lawyer representing Manuel Guerra, an illegal immigrant from Mexico living in Florida who had been caught in a tortuous and seemingly failing five-year court fight against deportation. Continue »
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Monday night new rules allowing many illegal immigrants who were facing deportation despite having no criminal record to stay and apply for a work permit won't be a "free pass" to citizenship. Continue »
It's not amnesty, back-door or otherwise. It's just a little more sanity in our broken immigration system. The Obama administration has announced that it will suspend deportation proceedings against thousands of undocumented immigrants. Continue »
While many on the right are decrying Thursday's decision by the Obama administration that could suspend deportation proceedings for thousands of young people who pose no threat to public safety, we believe it is a sensible policy. Continue »