We told you Dobbs was resigning... here's the proof. Via Media Matters, video of Dobbs' resignation. It will be interesting to see what Dobbs' next "contribution" to public life might be. Eric Burns, head of Media Matters, states, "This is a happy day for all those who care about... Continue »
This just in, from the New York Times Media Decoder Blog today, very big news for those of us who've been calling on CNN to drop its anti-immigrant anchor, Lou Dobbs. In Update: Lou Dobbs to Quit CNN, Brian Stelter and Bill Carter report: "Lou Dobbs, the longtime CNN... Continue »
If well-intentioned interventions could magically change lives, last weekend would have marked more of an end than a beginning when people paused to remember the anniversary of the stabbing death of Marcelo Lucero, a 37-year-old Ecuadorean immigrant who the police said was attacked by seven teenagers outside the village... Continue »
Senator Lindsey Graham, the Republican with a maverick streak, has been censured by local Republican Party officials in his home state of South Carolina. Continue »
For a time, Mr. Dobbs did tone down his TV rhetoric, but on Wednesday he made a more drastic decision: He chose opinion. Continue »
11/11/09 a 4:26pm por Maribel Hastings 3a parte serie especial ‘La Reforma Migratoria y sus protagonistas’ Mientras el congresista demócrata de Illinois, Luis Gutiérrez, ha convocado a quienes apoyan la reforma migratoria a participar de una conversación nacional el 18 de noviembre, la organización anti inmigrante Americanos por la... Continue »
11/11/09 a 12:59pm por Maribel Hastings Esta semana varios medios reportaron sobre otra de las redadas “silenciosas” que conduce la administración Obama, esta vez en una compañía de Minnesota donde 1,200 conserjes fueron despedidos el mes pasado tras una auditoría de la empresa. La administración ha dejado de lado... Continue »
My story is similar to that of thousands of other immigrants in the United States Armed Services. Yesterday, Senator Bob Menendez from New Jersey introduced a bill to provide immigration relief to the thousands of immigrants and their families serving overseas. Simply, the bill aims to keep the families... Continue »
In the aftermath of Saturday's landmark passage of a health care reform bill in the House of Representatives, many Republican Members of Congress are scratching their heads and wondering how they could have allowed the bill to pass. They are questioning why their leadership didn't agree to use the... Continue »
10/11/09 a 6:04pm por Rafael Prieto Zartha Bitácora Como todos los años, desde que me naturalicé como ciudadano estadounidense cumplí con el rito cívico de ir a votar en la fecha señalada por el calendario electoral en la primera semana de noviembre. Así que el martes 3 de este... Continue »