We at America's Voice are deeply saddened to mark the passing of Senator Edward Kennedy today. He was a valiant hero to the immigration reform movement and a true champion for immigrants of all nationalities. As USA Today chronicles, Senator Kennedy spent a large part of his life's work... Continue »
26/08/09 a 8:28am por Maribel Hastings El “León” liberal del Senado, Edward M. Kennedy, senador demócrata de Massachusetts, murió y los inmigrantes pierden, en mi opinión, a su más sincero y acérrimo defensor en el Congreso de Estados Unidos. Kennedy siempre defendió con fuerza diversas causas como los derechos... Continue »
Stories like this one make me proud to be American (but not in a creepy way). They make me want to keep fighting for an America that lives up to its ideals that anyone can do anything, if they put their mind to it and work hard enough. Continue »
In this August of Democratic difficulty, here's something that Republicans ought to keep in mind: Politics isn't a zero sum game. That is, just because one party is down doesn't automatically mean the other party is up. That's an underlying principle of American politics, but it's remarkable how often it's... Continue »
While immigration has been a hot button issue among the American electorate for decades, the shifting demographic in the U.S., particularly with regards to race and age, may dampen the issue's ability to draw voters to the polls. Continue »
Today in Immigration Must Reads…Healthcare, Arpaio, and the "Rejiggering" of American Politics....Read 'em. Continue »
The Center for American Progress (CAP) is holding a special presentation today entitled, "A Case Study in the Coming End of the Culture Wars: Immigration as a Failed Wedge Issue," with America's Voice's Executive Director, Frank Sharry, as a featured panelist. Continue »

A Case Study in the Coming End of the Culture Wars

Immigration as a Failed Wedge Issue

August 25, 2009, 12:00pm – 1:30pm


Click once on the video window to play or pause. Continue »

24/08/09 a 7:24pm por Miguel Molina Miguel Molina, Diario de un reportero Nadie puede precisar cuándo se interrumpió la conversación nacional sobre reforma migratoria, aunque todos nos dimos cuenta tarde o temprano de que la atención y la tensión políticas se ocupaban de otras cosas. El ejercicio de imaginar... Continue »
A Latino organization of state legislators is asking Florida Gov. Charlie Crist to appoint a qualified Hispanic person to the seat that will be left open with the resignation of Sen. Mel Martinez, the Cuban-American from Orlando elected to represent Florida in 2004. Continue »