As Rep. Steve King seeks to raise his national profile, the Iowa Republican is looking to Sen. Jim DeMint to help boost his influence in conservative circles. Continue »
Move over, Jan Brewer, and make room for Kansas GOP Representative, Connie O'Brien. Unlike Brewer, who openly admitted she does not know what an undocumented person looks like (and still had the audacity to sign SB 1070 into law), Representative O'Brien thinks she knows. Continue »
The immigrant bashing rhetoric from the nativist wing of the Republican Party was on full display this past weekend in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Showing no concerns about alienating the fastest growing voting demographic, the event showcased some of the worst of the worst, including Rep.... Continue »
Yesterday, the Immigration Subcommittee (of the House Judiciary Committee), which is led by notoriously anti-immigrant members of Congress -- Lamar Smith (R-TX), Elton Gallegly (R-CA), and Steve King (R-IA) -- held their first immigration hearing since Republicans took control of the House. Continue »
Last week, Steve King, who was ready and eager to become Chairman of the Immigration Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, was left more than a little aggravated when Republican leaders thought it best to give the chairmanship to a similarly anti-immigrant -- though less vocal-- member of the... Continue »
Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, was in front of a live Fox News TV camera Saturday when he heard through his earpiece that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords had been shot in Tucson, Ariz. In the tumultuous hours that followed the parking-lot massacre that both enraged and subdued elected officials, it... Continue »
The National Council of La Raza assailed King on Friday in a mass email where it said: "The exact day that Republicans felt it necessary to read the Constitution aloud on the floor of the House of Representatives to remind everyone of the importance of upholding its principles, Rep.... Continue »
In a surprise move, the House Judiciary Committee's most prominent voice against illegal immigration was passed over Friday in his quest to lead the committee's immigration subpanel. Continue »
Steve King was dethroned because even the House Republican leadership must realize that comparing immigrants to livestock and suggesting we keep them out with an electric fence is offensive to Latino voters. But, he's simply been demoted from king to prince, and together, with Lamar Smith and Elton... Continue »
Here's a shorter Steve King (R-IA) from yesterday: White babies in dumpsters = health care reform Dumping on brown babies = immigration reform Continue »