Joshua Hoyt, executive director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, had a thorough piece in today's Chicago Tribune on just what derailed the GOP this election. "As the Republican Party surveys its post-election train wreck, the pain must be even greater knowing that, with Hispanic voters,... Continue »
Sen. Martinez has been one of the courageous Republican leaders speaking out on the divisive immigration rhetoric employed by his party. Will Sen. Martinez feel more freedom to speak up on immigration, now that a looming re-election is out of the picture? Nothing's certain, but it is safe to... Continue »
Today Media Matters has a post slamming political commentator Dick Morris for failure disclose major contributions that could have led him to provide the National Republican Trust PAC with free publicity during the election. Last month, one of their ads was designated, "one of the sleaziest false TV ads... Continue »
Well, if there's one thing we can all agree on right now, it's that this election has ripped conventional wisdom to shreds. A new report by America's Voice, The GOP: Fenced in by Immigration, details how nineteen pro-reform candidates beat hard-liners in twenty-one battleground house and senate races... Continue »
Republican analysts are now chiming in: the GOP encouraged the kind of "red-meat" xenophobia within its ranks that blocked immigration reform. And it backfired, bigtime. "Here's the truly ominous trend for the Republicans: Hispanic voters nationwide chose Obama over McCain by 67 percent to 31 percent. This is a... Continue »