The news that Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) endorsed Mitt Romney for President has led to another round of pundit speculation about Rubio's vice presidential prospects, which Rubio demurely "rejects." But the chatter continues because some within the GOP apparently think that adding Rubio to the ticket could help... Continue »
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio officially threw his support behind Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney Wednesday night in an appearance on Fox News' "Hannity" show. "It's evidently and increasingly clear that Mitt Romney's going to be the Republican nominee," Rubio told Sean Hannity. "I am going to endorse Mitt Romney." Continue »
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has made it clear he wants to push for a GOP-backed DREAM Act that would give undocumented students legal status — but not citizenship — and now Republicans hope to use this watered-down version of the bill to win support from Latino voters. Continue »
So Senator Marco Rubio is letting it be known that he is hard at work on a new version of the DREAM Act. The one supported by Obama and Dems would provide a path to citizenship for young illegal immigrants who serve in the military or attend college. Continue »
Earlier this week, The Hill newspaper reported that Senate Republicans, led by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), are pursuing an alternative, stripped down version of the DREAM Act in an attempt to improve the Party's standing with Latino voters. Continue »
Republican politicians have overwhelmingly embraced an approach to immigration reform that offers only misery, arrest and punishment to the undocumented. That is popular with party's hard-right base, but toxic with Hispanic voters — which has led some Republicans to come up with proposals that seem to shimmer with promise... Continue »
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said on Thursday that he supports the Dream Act in some form. He wants undocumented students to have the chance to stay, but he doesn't want to hand them citizenship on a platter. Continue »
Yesterday, Miami-area high school valedictorian Daniela Pelaez and her sister, Dayana, came to Washington to meet with U.S. Representatives and Senators from Florida. The sisters, both of whom would benefit from the DREAM Act, recently won an administrative reprieve from deportation for two years. Continue »
When protests erupted over the looming threat of deportation faced by Colombian-born high school valedictorian Daniela Pelaez, Florida Senator Marco Rubio didn't just stand up for her – he met with her personally in Washington. Continue »
North Miami High School senior Daniela Palaez has a 6.7 GPA, the valedictory nod from her classmates, a brother in the U.S. Army and deportation papers to Colombia. Continue »