The leading Republican candidates spent Wednesday appealing for the votes of South Florida's Hispanic voters, with the campaigns of Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich skirmishing over an advertisement that branded Mr. Romney as anti-immigration. Continue »
CNN en Espanol is joining the list of Spanish-language networks to co-host debates and forums with the GOP presidential candidates. On Thursday, CNN en Espanol's top anchor Juan Carlos Lopez will moderate questions from a panel in Miami during the CNN debate in Jacksonville. Continue »
Since Monday night's GOP primary debate in Tampa, Florida, the blogosphere has been buzzing over two words that Mitt Romney said in regards to immigration: "self deportation." Continue »
Hoping to exploit former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's potential weaknesses with Latino voters, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and a major Democratic super PAC are attacking the Republican presidential candidate in a Spanish-language radio ad entitled "Las Dos Caras de Mitt Romney," or "The Two Faces of Mitt... Continue »
Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney once tacitly supported immigration reform. Sadly, his recent embrace of hard-line immigration positions is a show we've seen before with Sen. John McCain in 2008, and it targets the fastest-growing demographic in the country. With his new stance, he risks losing not only the... Continue »
The Republican primary season is heading to Florida, then out west for primaries in Nevada, Arizona and Colorado, all states with Hispanic heavy populations. These primaries are worthy of attention as they present a clear test of the GOP's strategy of pandering to the anti-immigrant wing of their base. Continue »
As I watched the Republican debates last night, I was taken by surprise when Mitt "I will veto the DREAM Act" Romney all of a sudden decided to sing to a "different" (perhaps more alarming) tune on the whole issue Continue »
Last night's Republican debate in Tampa, FL confirmed the fact that Mitt Romney is championing a radical anti-immigrant agenda aimed at expelling 11 million undocumented immigrants – a population the size of the state of Ohio – from the United States. Continue »
Republican Presidential contenders Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich repeatedly traded harsh words during Monday night's debate in Florida. When it came to immigration, the two GOP candidates varying views came to light in the heavily Latino state. Continue »
He's young, telegenic and charismatic. He's Hispanic, Catholic and the son of Cuban immigrants. He's a tea party favorite, a GOP star and, many say, the future of the Republican Party. Sen. Marco Rubio's endorsement would be a big get for any of the presidential contenders ahead of the... Continue »