In recent days, school children in Alabama have been confronted with questions about who they are based on the color of their skin. At one school, a fourth grader was asked if she is a U.S. citizen. When she replied, "Yes," she was asked about her parents' status. Teachers... Continue »
Mitt Romney thinks he's found his winning issue against Rick Perry: For weeks now he's been attacking Perry for signing a bill that grants in-state tuition to undocumented students. Yeah, that's Romney path to the White House: picking on kids. Continue »
Mitt Romney thinks he's found his winning issue against Rick Perry: For weeks now he's been attacking Perry for signing a bill that grants in-state tuition to undocumented students. Yeah, that's Romney path to the White House: picking on kids. Continue »
Though the 2012 Republican presidential field continues to tack hard right on immigration, the candidates have thus far stayed silent on the topic of Alabama's devastating new immigration law. Continue »
Maria Fernanda Cabello, a 20-year-old junior at Texas A&M University, moved to Texas from Mexico when she was 12 years old. She and her family came into the country on tourist visas that later expired, and she is now undocumented. Continue »
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney—whose attacks on rival Rick Perry for backing college tuition breaks for children of illegal immigrants have hit a nerve with conservatives—has tripped over the immigration issue himself. Continue »
If you oppose the DREAM Act, you're no moderate on immigration. Period. That goes for Governor Rick Perry and Senator Marco Rubio. Both say they Support in-state tuition But oppose the DREAM Act. Continue »
Speculation about New Jersey Gov. Christie entering the 2012 Presidential Race has raised more questions about immigration: Will Christie Stick with his strong Pro-Reform Position or Flip-flop? If he stands strong, will party leaders defend his immigration stance from the attacks of the anti-immigrant forces? Continue »
The Republican presidential debates have certainly generated a conversation about immigration reform. However, within Republican circles, that conversation has gotten ugly and divisive. But, as an editorial in USA Today makes clear, that is the wrong approach. Continue »
The Republican Party has dug itself an awfully deep hole with Latino voters. And every time a Republican talks about immigration, the hole gets a little deeper. That includes nearly all the 2012 Republican presidential candidates. They can't avoid talking about the subject because it keeps coming up in... Continue »