The lanky young man with two bales of marijuana slung over his back who was apprehended by Border Patrol agents in a rugged area about a mile from the border here one recent night represented both the significant strides the country has made in controlling its southern border and... Continue »
Checkpoints set up to prevent people driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs from being behind the wheel should be used for this purpose, and not to make money by impounding cars from sober but unlicensed drivers. Continue »
In a blunt speech on Wednesday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano took on critics of the administration's immigration policies on both the left and right, telling Republicans that security along the border with Mexico is "at an apex" and rejecting calls from immigrant advocacy groups to slow the pace... Continue »
A few days ago a group of 19 Republican senators wrote to President Obama, demanding that he retract the directive prioritizing the deportation cases of dangerous criminals. They accuse the White House of "ignoring lawbreakers" and claiming that the directive turns "a blind eye to those who have broken... Continue »
Outside a Catholic Church in July, Border Patrol agents handcuffed a Latino man for what witnesses say was no reason at all. His only crime, according to on-lookers, was looking Latino. Later, it was found that the man arrested was residing in the US legally, and he was released.... Continue »
Some people in southwest Detroit say the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol continues to practice racial profiling in their community. Detroit is home to the busiest border crossing between the U.S. and Canada. Residents say Customs and Border Protection agents regularly question and detain people who look Hispanic. Continue »
Four months after President Barack Obama went to the other end of the Texas-Mexico border to tally achievements in border security and call for comprehensive immigration reform, a Republican congressman said the border remains unsafe and convened a hearing Monday in this border city to show it. Continue »
In an event entitled "Is the Border Broken? Rethinking the Conventional Wisdom," also held yesterday, a panel of speakers at the Immigration Policy Center discussed the dangers of this sort of approach and tried to decouple the problem of border security from that of immigration enforcement. Continue »
The Obama administration is cracking down on immigrants in the U.S. who have overstayed the terms of their visas by using a system that automatically checks multiple national security, immigration and law enforcement databases at the same time, a senior Homeland Security Department official said. Continue »
An article by Julian Aguilar at Texas Tribune about Roxann Lara, a pregnant woman detained by Border Patrol agents, raises many more concerns about how that agency is complying with the Obama administration's new deportation policy. Continue »