English (en español al final de la página): Mother Jones: How Marco Rubio Gave In to Democrats on the Immigration Reform Bill By Pema Levy New York Times: Lindsey Graham Assails Ted Cruz and Warns of Voters’ Deserting Republicans By Alan Rappeport National Journal: Graham Attacks Cruz, Trump on... Continue »
On the heels of two open letters to Congress in support of refugees — one letter signed by 20 national security experts including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and a second letter signed by the Mayors of over 60 U.S. cities — more than 1000 rabbis signed a... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): Fox News Latino: Mark Zuckerberg announces $10 million campaign to promote immigration reform AP: Texas Sues Feds to Block Resettlement of 6 Syrian Refugees Buzzfeed News: Texas Sues Federal Government, Nonprofit To Stop Syrian Refugee Resettlement By Kyle Blaine and Chris... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): New York Times: Wary of Donald Trump, G.O.P. Leaders Are Caught in a Standoff By Jonathan Martin National Journal: Hispanic Republicans Hope Trump Doesn’t Win Nomination By Jack Fitzpatrick Vox: The real reason the media is rising up against Donald Trump... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): The Hill: Syrian refugees bill could be inserted in omnibus By Scott Wong Reuters: Barring Syrians Could Cost U.S. States Funding for Other Refugees: U.S. Agency The Hill: Kirk ad hits Duckworth for allowing Syrian refugees into US By Ben Kamisar... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): ThinkProgress: There Are Immigrants At Your Thanksgiving Dinner Table. You Just May Not Realize It. By Esther Yu-Hsi Lee Univision.com: A year after Obama’s executive action, the undocumented remain steeped in fear By Jorge Cancino MSNBC: Ted Cruz refuses to take... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): Politico: Feds ask Supreme Court to hear immigration case this term By Josh Gerstein Wall Street Journal: Obama Administration Asks Court to Deny Texas More Time on Immigration By Jess Bravin Roll Call: White House Asks High Court to Hear Immigration Case This... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): Vice News: We Asked Latino Republicans What They Really Want from GOP Candidates in 2016 By Meredith Hoffman AP: Texas Seeks Delay on Immigration Case Roll Call: Texas Seeks Delay in Immigration Case at Supreme Court By Todd Ruger Huffington Post:... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): TV Newsroom: Donald Trump: Mexican Border Wall Would Help End Heroin Crisis AP: Obama Plea to Supreme Court: Save My Immigration Plan New York Times: Obama Administration Asks Supreme Court to Save Immigration Plan By Adam Liptak Wall Street Journal: Obama... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): The Times (Pennsylvania): U.S. Reps. Rothfus, Murphy, Shuster back refugee-blocking bill By JD Prose Latino USA: Latino Lawmakers Slam NBC Meeting By Julio Ricardo Varela EFE: US Muslims feel persecuted after Paris attacks New York Times: House Approves Tougher Refugee Screening, Defying Veto... Continue »