Despite its conspicuous absence during the presidential debate season thus far, the issue of immigration remains one of the most significant issues responsible for mobilizing and energizing the growing Latino vote. A new poll from the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund finds "tremendous... Continue »

‘08 Election Status:

Open seat


State Senate Majority Leader Debbie Halvorson (D)
Businessman Martin Ozinga (R)

2008 Cook Rating:


2008 Rothenberg Rating:

Toss-Up/Tilt Democratic

2004 Presidential Vote:

53%-47% Bush

Latino Population:


Latino Voting Population:


Candidate Websites:

Debbie Halvorson
Martin Ozinga

Continue »
The surge of the immigrant vote may come as a surprise to many, but not to the dozens of organizations that form the We Are America Alliance (WAAA). The Alliance is driving the largest coordinated effort in our nation's history to increase immigrant civic engagement. In a push to... Continue »
Two aggressive immigration ads later, we’re no closer to talking about real solutions to the broken immigration system. As stated in today’s New York Times editorial, “Meanwhile, the Bush administration keeps raiding factories and farms, terrorizing immigrant families while exposing horrific accounts of workplace abuses. Children toil in... Continue »

Sep 1, 2008

Take Action


Stop the Deportation of Washington DREAMer, Alberto Yanez

Take action and tell ICE to keep Alberto at home with his three US citizen children, ages 4,... Continue »

Presidential Race

Analyzing the White House Candidates' Positions on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Barack Obama Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) was active in the comprehensive immigration debate in 2006, working on a... Continue »

Election Status:

Re-election (from March 2008 special election)


Bill Foster-D


Jim Oberweis-R

Year Elected:


March Special Election:

Foster 57%
Oberweis 47%

2008 Cook Rating:

Lean Democratic

2008 Rothenberg Rating:

Democrat Favored

2004 Presidential Vote:

55%-44% Kerry

Latino Population:


Latino Vote Population:


Candidate Websites:

Bill Foster
Jim Oberweis

Continue »
A series of recent news accounts have demonstrated that our immigration system is broken and in need of common sense reform. The Bush Administration's recent approaches to immigration policy - including worksite raids and self-deportation programs - have been colossal failures. Continue »