Trump is Closing America’s Doors on Refugees
The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice, in response to the confirmation that the Trump administration will slash the number of refugees admitted to America, setting a 18,000 cap for 2020, the lowest-ever ceiling since the program began four decades ago and a 40 percent drop from 2019. In addition, and in an unprecedented move, the administration also plans to give states and localities the option of blocking resettlement.
The Statue of Liberty weeps.
Since World War II, and following our shameful pre-war refusal to admit and protect Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust, the United States led the world to create a set of policies and practices to protect the world’s refugees. That era of moral leadership has come crashing to a halt under Trump and his enablers.
Before our eyes, Trump, Miller, Pompeo, McAleenan and Cuccinelli are redefining who we are. We once considered it a priority to protect those fleeing for their lives. Now we put kids in cages, separate families, and slam the door on refugees.
The Statue of Liberty weeps.