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Texans Remain in Crosshairs of Trump’s Obsession: $3.8 Billion More from Military for Border Wall

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In response to reports that President Trump will raid an additional $3.8 billion from the Pentagon to fund border wall construction, the following is a quote from Mario Carrillo, Texas-based Campaigns Manager of America’s Voice:

One year ago, Donald Trump declared a fake national emergency in an effort to forcefully move forward with building a useless wall – a boondoggle that has a detrimental impact on our state. Today, the Trump administration, in its continued obsession to build a wall on our southern border, will raid $3.8 in funds appropriated by Congress to support the military, including equipment budgets that impact the Texas National Guard. 

Let’s not forget that Donald Trump began his candidacy with a racist diatribe and that he continues making his now-famous lie that Mexico will pay for the wall. Instead, it’s been us, the taxpayers, to the tune of $20 billion, that have been funding a wall that few of us want, that many of us know doesn’t make us safer and is literally falling down. 

Trump doesn’t care about Texans, especially those along the border, and his administration refuses to listen to them, and instead will forcefully take their land and divide border communities in an effort to keep a campaign promise that was only intended to instill fear against immigrants. But we can see through him. 

It’s unfortunate that Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, instead of representing their constituents, continue to be rubber stamps to President Trump and his attacks against our state. Texans deserve better.