New polls from CBS News and Politico/Morning Consult continue to find that Trump and Republicans are being blamed for the government shutdown.
CBS News polling released today:
- By a 71-28 percent margin, Americans say the border wall is not worth a government shutdown. By partisan affiliation:
- Democrats: By 92-7 percent, say wall not worth the shutdown
- Independents: By 71-27 percent, say wall not worth the shutdown
- Republicans: By 56-43 percent, say wall worth the shutdown
- By a 66-31 percent margin, Americans want Trump to agree to a budget without wall funding and re-open the government (by 69-28 percent margin, independents want Trump to agree to a budget without wall funding and re-open the government).
- Americans think the border can be secured without building a wall: 61 percent say the border wall isn’t necessary to secure the border, while 37% say a wall is necessary.
- Americans think the government shutdown is causing major problems for the nation: 60% say it’s causing “serious” problems, 34% say “some” problems, and only 5% say it’s “not” causing problems.
- Trump’s job approval rating is underwater at 36% approve/59% disapprove.
- Americans disapprove of Trump’s handling of immigration by a 60-32 percent margin (independents disapprove by 62-35 percent).
The new Politico/Morning Consult poll:
- By a 72-7 percent margin, respondents opposed to building a border wall would oppose a deal to reopen the government that included wall funding – a strong endorsement of congressional Democrats’ unity and effort to stand strong against the wall.
- A recent Pew Research poll had a similar finding: 88% of border wall opponents are opposed to granting Donald Trump’s request for wall funding, if that is the only way to end the shutdown — a strong endorsement of congressional Democrats’ unity and effort to stand strong against the wall.
- By a combined 53-35 percent margin in the new Politico/Morning Consult poll, voters blame Trump or Republicans for the shutdown. Nearly half (49 percent) blame Trump – up 6 percentage points in this poll since the shutdown started.
- By a 57-40 percent margin in the same poll, voters disapprove of Trump – the 17 point deficit matches the largest of his presidency in this poll.
Other recent polls are consistent with these results:
- Americans overwhelmingly blame Trump and Republicans for the shutdown: When asked who is to blame for the shutdown, a host of recent polls find remarkably similar results:
- PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist: 54% blame Trump, 31% Ds
- Quinnipiac: 56% say Trump and Rs, 36% Ds
- ABC/WaPo: 53% say Trump & Rs, 29% Ds
- CNN: 55% say Trump & Rs, 32% Ds
- CBS/YouGov: 47% say Trump, 3% Rs, 30% Ds
- Reuters/Ipsos: 51% say Trump, 7% Rs, 32% Ds
- Politico/Morning Consult: 1/4-1/6: 47% say Trump, 5% Rs, 33% Ds
As Democratic pollster Nick Gourevitch recently commented, “These numbers…on who’s responsible for the shutdown aren’t even close. In a hyper-partisan world, it takes real political malpractice to lose the blame game by 24 points.”