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Khizr Khan and Marine Corps Veteran, Rep. Ruben Gallego, to Headline Press Call Condemning Trump Executive Orders

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TODAY, January 27 at 11:00 AM EST, Gold Star father Khizr Khan, Dreamer and Army veteran Sergeant Oscar Vasquez, and Marine Corps veteran Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) will gather on a press call to condemn President Trump’s immigration and refugee executive orders. The speakers on the call will share their personal stories and reflections on why Trump’s radical policy vision is contrary to core American values and compromises, rather than strengthens, our safety and national security.

The call will be moderated by Lorella Praeli, spokesperson for America’s Voice Education Fund, who will summarize the radical implications of Trump’s immigration and refugee policy vision: including, a blueprint for mass deportation, the creation of a new Deportation Force, turning our backs on Syrian and other refugees, and banning tens of millions of Muslims from coming to America.


Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), Marine Corps veteran
Khizr Khan, Gold Star Father
Sergeant Oscar Vasquez, Dreamer and Army veteran
Lorella Praeli, Spokesperson, America’s Voice Education Fund (Moderator)

WHAT: Press Call Condemning Trump Immigration and Refugee Executive Orders

WHEN: TODAY, January 27 at 11:00 am EST