Victorina Morales: “As an undocumented worker, I cleaned Trump’s golf club. Now, I’m a voice for all immigrants.”
As the President preps his “national emergency declaration,” the Trump-led private caravan of undocumented workers, who the Trump Organization employed and in some cases recruited from Central America, is continuing to share their stories, standing up to the most powerful person in the world.
In a new op-ed for USA Today, Victorina Morales, an undocumented former Trump Organization employee, outlines her experience working at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster, including having her supervisor supply her false documents; the abuse she survived; and why she finally shared her story. Donate to her GoFundMe here.
After he was elected president, Mr. Trump’s rhetoric about immigrants did not change and his plans were frightening. The worse things he said, the worse it seemed my supervisors treated me. My other supervisor used my undocumented status, and the false papers, to force me into difficult jobs under horrible conditions. She pushed me, called me stupid, and once went so far as to say that her dog understood English better than I did. When I complained, she threatened to call immigration and have me deported.
…The humiliation was too much and, after five years of working for Mr. Trump, I decided it was time to speak up. After I shared my story, I did not return to the golf club. I knew there was a chance I could be deported along with my family, but after enduring years of humiliation, I decided I had to come out of the shadows to tell my story.
Morales’ story is heartbreaking – available online here.