Nov 3, 2008
With its unprecedented size and level of political engagement this cycle, the Latino vote has grown into one of the most important voting blocs to monitor on Election Day, especially in key battleground states. "Tomorrow's elections will show that Latino and immigrant voters have arrived as a potent...
But what will drive new Latino voters to the polls in record numbers is the immigration debate. This is because immigration has emerged as the "threshold" issue for many Latino voters. Like civil rights for African-American voters, the immigration debate distinguishes those candidates who get that Latinos are...
"Our analysis shows that Latino and immigrant electorate is growing, is highly mobilized, and is strongly influenced by the immigration debate," said Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America's Voice. "Clearly, both campaigns get how important these voters are, and how important immigration is as an issue. ...
Despite its conspicuous absence during the presidential debate season thus far, the issue of immigration remains one of the most significant issues responsible for mobilizing and energizing the growing Latino vote. A new poll from the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund finds "tremendous...
Sep 29, 2008
By attributing the failures of Wall Street to immigrants and specifically Latinos, Krikorian joined Michelle Malkin in trying to perpetuate a blatant falsehood and continued recent attempts to blame immigrants and Latinos for any and all hot-button policy issues. Conservative law professor and blogger Stephen Bainbridge succinctly captured the...
This week, new developments in states where immigration policy and politics are most salient reinforce the importance of the issue on Election Day and the need for common sense immigration reform. A broad coalition of voices in the key battleground states of Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico highlighted...
The latest installment of the popular right-wing "blame the immigrants," game is a whopper. Conservative blogger, occasional television pundit, and consistent right wing loudmouth Michelle Malkin is -- get ready -- blaming illegal immigration for our nation's current economic crisis. No joke. Neither Wall Street greed nor irresponsible government...
Today, leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives will hold two important hearings to examine the Bush Administration’s failure to uphold labor standards, and the need for common sense immigration reform. Congresswoman Hilda Solis (D-CA) is also hosting a Congressional briefing to explore the impact of the Agriprocessors...