Sharry: Labor Contractor’s Removal of Workers from Plant Due to Safety Concerns Underscores Need for Oversight, Accountability As the Des Moines Register reported on May 30th , Labor Ready, an Iowa labor contracting company, recently pulled its workers from the Agriprocessors meatpacking plant due to safety concerns. These workers...
This week, U.S. Representative Bruce Braley (D-IA) criticized the Bush Administration for letting businesses who hire undocumented workers off the hook. The Congressman from Waterloo, IA, representing an area recently rocked by the largest worksite immigration raid in U.S. history, also called on Congress to fix our nation's broken...
Last week, U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) criticized the way cable TV host Lou Dobbs and others espouse inflammatory rhetoric and misinformation about immigration during their nightly broadcasts.
New details are emerging about a history of sexual abuse and solicitation at the site of the largest worksite immigration raid in U.S. history. The Des Moines Register reports that some former employees of the Agriprocessors meatpacking plant in Postville, IA are coming forward with revelations about supervisor demands...
Today, Media Matters released a new report entitled "Fear and Loathing in Prime Time: Immigration Myths and Cable News" that documents the extreme anti-immigrant rhetoric on certain cable TV programs.
Leading immigration and labor experts joined forces today to express their outrage that the employer responsible for hiring and abusing immigrant workers in Postville, Iowa has been charged with nothing while the immigrant workers themselves face detention and felony charges.
May 13, 2008
News reports about the immigration raid in Postville, Iowa Monday have shined a spotlight on Republican mismanagement of the immigration issue.
May 5, 2008
The last thing Americans want in the midst of a recession is another costly distraction that won't work. That is precisely what America will get if the hearings on Capitol Hill today on the Shuler-Tancredo anti-immigration bill gain traction and ends up as the law of the land.
On the day that thousands peacefully marched nationwide to mobilize immigrant voters in November, anti-immigrant leader Roy Beck called for hostile treatment of immigrants and continued to support the mass deportation of 12 million people living and working in the United States.
With the crucial November elections for Congress and President just six months away, tens of thousands of people rallied across the nation today to bring their voting power to the growing demand for national and local leaders to support immigration solutions that work and promised to vote in November.