A mounting array of evidence shows that the 2010 national exit poll failed to capture a representative sample of Latino voters and, resultantly, misstated levels of Latino support for candidates. However, research by Latino Decisions, conducted bilingually during the early voting period, provides a more accurate picture of... Continue »
The news yesterday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is planning to join Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) in advancing the DREAM Act in the impending session of Congress is welcome news. According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America's Voice, "On this Veterans Day, a fitting way to... Continue »
While much post-election analysis has highlighted how Latino voters were mobilized by the immigration debate and helped Democrats retain the Senate, new polling released today from Lake Research Partners on behalf of America's Voice focus on the views of all voters toward immigration policy. Continue »
This election cycle, there is a lot of interest in Latino turnout and candidate choice, given the huge impact they had on races in Florida, California, Colorado, and New Mexico. Today, Latino Decisions released a detailed analysis explaining why the national exit polls fail to capture a representative sample of... Continue »
Latino Decisions and experts in Latino civic participation and immigration reform gathered yesterday on a press conference call to analyze Latino voter turnout in the 2010 elections, assess what motivated Latinos to vote, and answer what Tuesday night's results mean for the future of immigration reform and Latino political... Continue »
As pundits sift through the volumes of data to make sense of what happened last night, one piece of data should be clear and unambiguous: the Latino vote delivered. Were it not for the Latino firewall in the West, it is likely that the 2010 election would have stayed true... Continue »
Tonight, Latino Decisions will release election eve polling in eight states that shows immigration and anti-immigrant campaigning played a major role in mobilizing Latino voters this cycle. This important research, conducted in eight states, will add a new dimension to publicly-available exit polls. The data will reveal... Continue »
In an interview yesterday with Univision's Jorge Ramos, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said that he would bring the DREAM Act to a vote in the "lame duck" session after the midterm elections, regardless of the election results. Meanwhile, Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee sent a... Continue »
In an election season filled with races in which Latino voters could make a difference, Latino Decisions' final weekly tracking poll shows that Latino voters have become more engaged and enthusiastic about voting in the final weeks. While some of this is undoubtedly attributable to increased talk... Continue »
The 2010 mid-term campaign season is shaping up to be the most vicious, vitriolic election cycle in recent memory. The issue of immigration is a perfect example. Distortions, lies, and stereotypes dominate the airwaves when it comes to immigrants and Latinos. From threats of violence against... Continue »