Immigration advocates and Michigan community leaders joined Allana Woolley, Ivan Nikolov's fiancée, on a call to highlight the need for action on the DREAM Act and urge U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to step in to prevent Ivan's deportation.
A new poll from Fox News finds that 68 percent of voters, including majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, say efforts to secure the border should be combined with reform of federal immigration laws by Congress. What do voters mean by reform of federal immigration laws? ...
A new summary of recent Latino voter polls highlights the way the immigration debate is influencing Latino political engagement in the run-up to the November mid-terms. The lack of action on comprehensive immigration could dampen enthusiasm among Latino voters at a crucial time.
At the President's request, bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate are about to send millions more taxpayer dollars to the broken border. It's no coincidence that this 'emergency supplemental' is on the agenda just before the August recess. We've read this story before, and we know...
The latest flap over "birthright citizenship" has exposed a new low for Republican politicians hell-bent on politicizing the immigration debate and obstructing action on comprehensive immigration reform. Apparently, GOP politicians would rather change the Constitution than just do their job and fix the broken immigration laws--a sad commentary...
Yesterday, the U.S. Senate approved $600 million in funding for additional security measures along the border with Mexico, including new technology and new personnel. The agreement represents election year politics at their worst, as Senate Democrats and Republicans both know that the only route to true border security...
Jul 30, 2010
News coverage of this week's ruling on the Arizona anti-immigrant law is re-igniting the debate over comprehensive immigration reform and the need for a federal solution. But as Washington pundits analyze the political implications of the judge's decision, they are turning to outdated thinking instead of real facts...
Today U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton granted a temporary injunction on major parts of the Arizona SB1070 anti-immigration law. Among the notable parts of her ruling, Judge Bolton enjoined the "reasonable suspicion" section of the law and the section requiring the carrying of federal immigration documents. Clearly, Governor...
Jul 27, 2010
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is embracing the need to move on the DREAM Act this year, providing a shot of momentum to a measure that enjoys bipartisan support. If enacted, the DREAM Act would serve as an important step towards comprehensive immigration reform.
As anti-immigrant ringleaders whip themselves into a frenzy over illegal immigration, and continue a strategy that is both bad for the Republican Party and bad for the country, some reasonable Republicans suggest another way.
According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America's Voice, "On immigration issues, the Tancredo wing of...