Under fire for his stance on immigration policy, GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich is receiving some support from an unlikely source. In an interview with Newsmax, former President Bill Clinton said Gingrich's support for allowing illegal immigrant families without criminal records to stay in the U.S. could boost his... Continue »
Is the border between the United States and Mexico, as some claim, a war zone that calls out for heavy-duty military hardware? Or is it simply, as others insist, a gateway between two countries that are friends and neighbors? Continue »
Civil rights groups say a judge's decision to halt part of Alabama's strict illegal immigration enforcement law averted a Thanksgiving weekend exodus of Hispanics from the state. Some portions of Alabama's law, known as HB 56 and described by supporters and critics as the harshest state immigration law in... Continue »
If we want to create jobs in America, we must welcome foreign-born innovators. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses of immigrant entrepreneurs yearning to breathe free": This is the message we need Lady Liberty to shine forth into the world. Continue »
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona will campaign with Rick Perry in New Hampshire on Tuesday, the Texas governor's campaign told CNN on Saturday. The man famous for his tough stance on illegal immigration has not endorsed a presidential candidate. Continue »
On Nov. 16, a European businessman paying a visit to his company's manufacturing plant near Tuscaloosa, Alabama, was pulled over for driving a rental car without a tag. The police officer asked the man for his license, but the only paperwork he had with him was a German I.D.... Continue »
Alabama has built a name for itself in global economic development circles over the past 20 years for putting out a welcome mat for foreign companies, attracting billions of dollars in investment and tens of thousands of jobs, primarily in its booming automotive industry. Continue »
Did Newt Gingrich have a "heartless" moment on Tuesday night? In a September debate, Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, drew a furious response from conservatives in his party when he said critics of in-state tuition for illegal immigrants "did not have a heart." The response halted Mr. Perry's... Continue »
During last night's debate, Newt Gingrich moved in a direction that is decidedly orthogonal to the party's conservative base on immigration. Whether Newt stays in his new position is to-be-determined. But if he does, it might produce from the probable Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, the type of reaction that... Continue »
The Washington Examiner's Philip Klein pushed Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom's argument last night that his candidate is "against amnesty, and Newt Gingrich made it very clear he was for amnesty," prompting this exchange... Continue »