A host of Latino, Asian, immigrant, and labor rights groups have launched naturalization drives aimed at permanent residents eligible for citizenship — and the images from these workshops and outreach efforts have been absolutely inspiring.
Some of the inspiration for getting Latino and immigrant voters out to naturalize and vote has been to fight back against the ugly rhetoric coming from Republican candidates, particularly Donald Trump.
“Our message is to the Latinos, to Mexicans, to the Muslims, to the immigrant communities of our nation. Yes, get angry, but then naturalize, register and vote,” said Rep. Gutierrez last week, with a goal to get one million new citizens by May.
And in battleground states like Nevada, Colorado, and Florida, the Latino vote could be deciding factor on which candidate ultimately makes it to the White House.
Ready to kick off today’s #Citizenship clinic in #LosAngeles w/ Mayor @ericgarcetti & @seiu721 @seiuusww #WithMyVote pic.twitter.com/7ToPn4rRjD
— iAmerica (@iAmericaorg) January 30, 2016
“With ur #vote u will uplift ur family. With our collective vote we will uplift our community” @SEIU721 #iDecide2016 pic.twitter.com/7EcSbaaOtu
— iAmerica (@iAmericaorg) January 30, 2016
#LAmayor @EricGarcetti Encourages the 750,000 LA residents eligible 2 naturalize 2 become citizens 2day #iDecide2016 pic.twitter.com/7VUK06M74M — iAmerica (@iAmericaorg) January 30, 2016
Welcoming the #LasVegas #Citizenship Clinic! Ready to naturalize a few of the 90k NV LPRs eligible to #naturalizenow pic.twitter.com/o1d1JW99J0 — iAmerica (@iAmericaorg) January 30, 2016
Everyone taking part in our Citizenship Workshop in Houston 2day will be eligible to vote in Nov #ComeGetOurVote pic.twitter.com/vWmO0QXQhg — SEIU Texas (@SEIUTX) January 30, 2016
Room full of aspiring Americans, on their way to #Citizenship & the right 2 vote! @iAmericaorg @MFVTX #Decision2016 pic.twitter.com/v08VggzScD — SEIU Texas (@SEIUTX) January 30, 2016
Hundreds of Latinos registering to become US citizens today in time to vote in November. #iDecide2016 #naturalizenow pic.twitter.com/kEBzExYbZu — iAmerica (@iAmericaorg) January 30, 2016
Ramon, supported by wife Josefina, came out today to apply for #UScitizenship @oborraez @Univision #iDecide2016 pic.twitter.com/jQTI1OkIQO — iAmerica (@iAmericaorg) January 30, 2016
Today in Denver, Patricia applies for #citizenship for a better life. #iheartAmerica #iDecide2016 #naturalizenow pic.twitter.com/vqrEui8LP7
— iAmerica (@iAmericaorg) January 30, 2016
Esmeralda w/husband Jose applies for citizenship today bcus she wants to feel safe in America. #iheartAmerica pic.twitter.com/QYiwTCiMIO
— iAmerica (@iAmericaorg) January 30, 2016
Guadalupe is becoming a US citizen today to be able to vote #iheartAmerica #idecide2016 pic.twitter.com/2Z7YlHTKFg — iAmerica (@iAmericaorg) January 31, 2016
Mother & son in Denver: “We want to become U.S. citizens bcus we want to have a voice.” #iDecide2016 #iheartAmerica pic.twitter.com/jBQemXSDk3 — iAmerica (@iAmericaorg) January 31, 2016
Gabriel applies 4 citizenship: “I’m ready to make a difference in this country. I want change!” #ImmigrationReform pic.twitter.com/rfSQhiZ02a — iAmerica (@iAmericaorg) January 31, 2016
Fransicso y Wilma came to the US from Cuba during the Carter Admin. They are becoming citizens so they can vote! pic.twitter.com/dVBEuJ0U9b — PLAN (@PLANevada) January 30, 2016
Arlinda is from the Philippines, after she gets help with her paper work she is mailing everything in! pic.twitter.com/dHPceJCioj — PLAN (@PLANevada) January 30, 2016
HAPPENING NOW: @iAmericaorg & NAKASEC launch Korean voter reg form and naturalization workbook #IDecide2016 pic.twitter.com/kpApZln8YP — NAKASEC (@nakasec) February 1, 2016
Korean citizenship guidebook @iAmericaorg @ChicagoKRCC @krcla #IDecide2016 #citizenship #immigrantvote pic.twitter.com/1A8QL44WJJ
— NAKASEC (@nakasec) February 1, 2016
Hundreds of free Citizenship Clinics & related events in 20 states listed on iAmerica. Tons tmrw! https://t.co/Y3rmFilcX5 #iDecide2016
— iAmerica (@iAmericaorg) January 29, 2016