For the 130 immigrant advocates, business and labor leaders, and law enforcement representatives, who met with Janet Napoitano yesterday, the urgency for real reform is clear. Here are four video responses from attendees at yesterday’s White House meeting on immigration reform. I took these videos directly after the meeting, as attendees were leaving the White House.
Clarrisa Martinez, National Council of La Raza:
Frank Sharry, America’s Voice:
Art Venegas, Law Enforcement Engagement Initiative:
Arturo Rodriguez, United Farm Workers:
The Politco reports:
President Barack Obama on Thursday managed to undo some of the damage he did recently with immigrants’ rights advocates — who were angered when Obama said in Mexico that immigration reform would have to wait until after health care and energy bills passed Congress.
Obama dropped in on a White House meeting with more than 100 immigration reform backers — and the message, according to some who were there, was that Obama would push for immigration reform even as the health-care debate continues to unfold.
“I think he’s more forward-leaning,” said Angela Kelley, an immigration reform expert with the liberal Center for American Progress think tank. “The takeaway from Mexico was that this is just kicking the can down the road. The takeaway from today is they’re rolling up their sleeves and leaning heavy into the issue.”