Congratulations to Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA) for receiving La Opinion’s endorsement in his upcoming Democrat-on-Democrat race against Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA). Reps. Berman and Sherman have been thrown together in California’s newly redistricted CD 30, and the race for the Congressional seat that only one of them can win in November has been fierce (see this story about how Sherman got physically confrontational with Berman at a debate last week). Sherman has been a supporter of immigration reform. But, it’s Berman who has been the true champion, writing the original DREAM Act in 2001 and pushing it ever since, as well as introducing multiple AgJOBS bills. It was these tireless efforts that La Opinion recognized in their endorsement:
Because of the new electoral map for the House of Representatives, Democratic Congressmen Howard Berman and Brad Sherman must compete to represent the new District 30. Each has his own characteristics and virtues, but when it comes time to decide, Rep. Berman would be more beneficial for the district and Congress…
At the same time, Berman has shown he is a consistent ally of Latinos in Congress. A case in point is his long-time work on immigration. He took part in the process for the Simpson-Rodino Act, which led to reform and legalization in the 1980s. He also supports the AgJobs bill and is one of the promoters of the DREAM Act. In this regard, immigrants have counted on Berman in Congress.
Tomorrow, Rep. Berman is holding an event with elected officials and political experts to discuss President Obama’s deferred action program as well as the prospects for future attempts at immigration reform. Joining him will be California State Senator Kevin de Leon (D), Consul General of Mexico for Los Angeles David Figueroa Ortega, Founder of the Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition Juan Jose Gutierrez, and President of Conservatives for Comprehensive Immigration Reform Robert Gittelson
Here’s more election news on other races around the country: Yesterday, DREAMers in Florida protested against Rep. Connnie Mack (R-FL), who voted against the DREAM Act when it came up in the Senate in 2010. His opponent in Florida’s Senate race, Sen. Bill Nelson (D), supported the 2010 DREAM Act and is a cosponsor of the legislation:
Last week, DREAMers in Arizona protested against Rep. Jeff Flake (R), who once supported comprehensive immigration reform and pushed for such a bill in 2007. When push came to shove with the DREAM Act in 2010, however, Flake voted against it. His opponent for the Senate seat in Arizona, however, Richard Carmona, would be Arizona’s first Latino senator: