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PHOTOS: Over Congressional Recess, Advocates Slam Members of Congress for Dream Inaction

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Members of Congress are on recess this week, following the Senate’s complete failure last week to pass legislation that would protect Dreamers and ensure they don’t face deportation. Advocates and Dreamers are furious, considering that this is the fourth in two months that Congress has whiffed on an opportunity to take action. Across the country and in Washington D.C. this week – from Pennsylvania to California to Kentucky to Nebraska to Nevada and beyond — advocates and Dreamers used this week’s recess to make themselves clear. They held rallies, marched across cities, held acts of civil disobedience, took over the offices of members of Congress, and delivered petitions letting their elected officials know that action MUST be taken on the Dream Act — or else.

View just some of the tweets, photos, and videos from this week, below: