Washington Post (Blog): Syria won’t make GOP’s immigration problem go “poof” and disappear
By Greg Sargent
Colorlines: Watch 100 Women Risk Arrest for Immigration Reform
By Von Diaz
New York Times: Women’s Groups Rally for Immigration Reform
By Julia Preston
MSNBC (Rachel Maddow): Our House: In the Middle of the Street
Associated Press: Police Make Arrests at Capitol Immigration Rally
By Erica Werner
MSNBC: Don’t abandon us! Immigration reformers assail Congress
By Benjy Sarlin
CNN: Immigration protest outside Capitol leads to over 100 arrests
By Bryan Koenig
Roll Call: Dozens of Women Arrested in House-Side Immigration Rally
By Hannah Hess
WUSA-TV: Group arrested in protest demanding fair immigration reform
Cleveland Plain Dealer: Head of local labor-faith coalition arrested in pro-immigration reform protest at U.S. Capitol
By Olivera Perkins
The Tennessean: TN women arrested in Washington immigration protest
Los Angeles Times: GOP state lawmakers prod Congress to act on immigration
By Melanie Mason
Sacramento Bee (California): Republican lawmakers urge action on immigration bill
Roll Call: Democratic Leaders Push Boehner to Abandon Conservatives on Fiscal Issues
By Niels Lesniewski
CBS News: Can immigration speed the economic recovery?
By Alain Sherter
NBC Latino: Study shows increase in housing wealth, jobs, as immigrants move into communities
By Maria Camila Bernal
Politico (Morning Tech): FWD.us releases new immigration ad
By Alex Byers
Texas Tribune (Posted in the New York Times): Cruz Tries to Claim the Middle Ground on Immigration
By Jay Root and Julian Aguilar
Wall Street Journal: U.S. Begins New Crackdown on Hiring Illegal Workers
By Miriam Jordan and Julia Jargon
Bay Area News Group (California): California lawmakers OK driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants; Brown to sign bill
By Josh Richman
Daily Beast: Jewish Clergy Submit Letter to Congress Urging Action on Immigration Reform
By Mira Sucharov
CNN (Opinion): Why we’re risking arrest over immigration
By Ai-jen Poo and Terry O’Neill
Huffington Post (Blog): Profiles in Courage: Immigrant Women
By Marielena Hincapie
The Hill (Opinion): People of the United States are ready for reform
By Rep. Luis Gutierrez
Washington Post (Letter to the Editor): It will take time to get immigration reform done correctly
By Rep. Bob Goodlatte
Miami Herald (Opinion): The economic and moral cost of doing nothing on immigration
By James Silkenat
Houston Chronicle (Opinion): Demographics will play a big role in immigration reform
By Rob Paral
Press-Citizen (Iowa—Editorial): Pondering what it means to be an American
Atlanta Journal Constitution (Georgia—Opinion): Immigration reform: Pathway to citizenship?
By Rick Badie