NBC Latino: Immigrant groups denounce RNC immigration resolution with no path to citizenship
By Jacquellena Carrero
Associated Press: House Judiciary chairman rejects ‘special’ path to citizenship, promises to fight Senate bill
By Erica Werner
Huffington Post: Bob Goodlatte On Immigration: No ‘Special Pathway’ From House
By Elise Foley
The Hill: Lawmaker pressed on immigration reform at town hall meeting
By Jordy Yager
NBC Virginia: Goodlatte Holds Town Hall Meeting on Immigration
ABC News: Obamacare Backlash Leaves Room for Immigration Reform to Breathe
By Jim Avila and Serena Marshall
Huffington Post: Steve Southerland, GOP Congressman, Faces Tough Crowd At Town Hall In Florida
By Ryan Rainey
Tallahassee Democrat (Florida): Southerland visits WCSO to talk immigration, flood zones
Killeen Daily Herald (Texas—Immigration): Carter talks to media about immigration reform
By Chris McGuiness
WSAU Radio (Wisconsin): Congressman Duffy talks about immigration, jobs, and Obamacare with Wausau Chamber of Commerce
Atlanta Journal Constitution (Georgia): Barbour, Rendell: Congress won’t pass immigration legislation until 2014
By Jeremy Redmon
Associated Press: SC leaders hold immigration round table in Duncan
Huffington Post: Scott DesJarlais, GOP Congressman, Tells 11-Year-Old Girl Her Father Should Be Deported
By Ashley Balcerzak
MSNBC: Crowd cheers as GOP rep. tells girl her dad will be deported
By Traci Lee
Talking Points Memo: Top 5 Reasons Boehner’s Plan For Immigration Reform May Blow Up
By Sahil Kapur
ABC/Univision: Report: Immigration Bill Would Add Nearly 14,000 Jobs Per District
By Jordan Fabian
The Atlantic: August Made the Republican Party’s Latino Problem Worse, Not Better
By Phillip Bump
Washington Post: Jorge Ramos: Latinos are ’17 percent of the population, but we only have three senators’
By Ed O’Keefe
Mother Jones: Ken Cuccinelli Once Touted Role in Founding Anti-Immigrant Group
By Gavin Aronsen
USA Today: Texas Gov. Rick Perry to woo California Republicans
By Catalina Camia
New York Times: Carwash Managers Held in Immigration Raids
By Fernanda Santos
Arizona Republic: Car-wash managers accused of rehiring illegal immigrants
By Ronald J. Hansen, Daniel González and Russ Wiles
Wall Street Journal: Cruz Tries to End Citizenship Debate
By Colleen McCain Nelson and Paul Vieira
The Hill: Cruz renouncing Canadian citizenship
By Laura Seligman
KING 5 (Washington): Foreign-born entrepreneurs want ‘start-up visas’ in immigration reform
By Glenn Farley
Los Angeles Times: U.S. suspends visitation programs at 3 immigrant facilities in Southland
By Kate Linthicum
Bloomberg (Editorial): The Back Roads to Citizenship
New York Times (Blog): G.O.P. Purity Control
By Andrew Rosenthal
San Francisco Chronicle (California—Opinion): House members pledge support for immigration reform
By Carl Guardino
Post Crescent (Wisconsin—Opinion): Immigration reform vital to state, too
By Tom Still
St. Louis Dispatch (Missouri—Opinion): Immigration reform will benefit St. Louis
By Rev. Bart Day
Grand Forks Herald (Minnesota—Opinion): Immigration benefits U.S. economy and culture
By Shelton Gunaratne