International Business Times: ‘Focus Hasn’t Changed,’ Says White House
By Laura Matthews
The Hill: Dems tire of waiting on immigration reform
By Alexander Bolton
Politico: Nancy Pelosi’s votes could be crucial to John Boehner
By Ginger Gibson
NBC Latino: DREAMer pleads against dad’s immiment deportation; groups announce major immigration march, concert
By Nina Terrero
Washington Times: Immigrant-rights groups call for October rally in D.C.
By Stephen Dinan
Washington Post: Rubio: Electing Cuccinelli will be ‘a statement to the country’
By Laura Vozzella
El Paso Times (Texas): Immigration reform: Lawmakers hear feedback on citizenship issue at UTEP
By Diana Washington Valdez
Texas Tribune: Border Democrats See Immigration Reform Window Closing
By Julian Aguilar
Los Angeles Times: Trust Act could be another win for immigrants and their advocates
By Cindy Chang
Desert Sun (California): Bill would protect undocumented immigrants from fraud, financial abuse
By Tatiana Sanchez
PRI’s The World: Immigration Voices: Why a Conservative Idaho Lawmaker Wants Tighter Controls
By Jason Margolis
Sun Sentinel (Florida): Florida universities press for immigration reform
By William Gibson
Cleveland Plain Dealer (Ohio): Convencion Hispana starts immigration discussion with screening of ‘Harvest of Empire’
By Robert Smith
La Opinión (Editorial): The dream of citizenship
Huffington Post (Blog): Sacramento, Not Washington, Sets Pace for Immigration Reform
By Elena Shore
Toledo Blade (Ohio–Editorial): Stay on the path
Sacramento Bee (California—Opinion): Do we really want to spend $46 billion on a border fence?
By Bruce Maiman
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Wisconsin—Opinion): Immigration reform vital to Wisconsin bioscience
By Bryan Renk